Tesla is a stock I buy almost weekly now. Really small buys but as it comes down I will continue to buy.
Same. Buying a lot of AAPL with this dip too.
Tesla is a stock I buy almost weekly now. Really small buys but as it comes down I will continue to buy.
CCIV gang,
If you got in late at $40+ then yall should've eaten the profit. I mean history says a major drop happens after a long stretch of run up. SHLL is a great example. what goes up must come down. the hype dies very quick.
If yall got in at $40 and didn't lose money then i would get out now and go find another SPAC if SPAC is your thing. if yall got in below $20 then yall should be good. hold on to your shares and keep it long term.
TTCF and IPOE are starting to look tempting.
CCIV got people jumping out of windows
I plan to continue to hold. Telsa had their IPO in what 2010? The stock didn't really do too much for 8-9 years.
If this falls even more I plan to add to my shares.
been adding TTCF everyday. Why? they are expected to announce revenue growth 70% YOY. they just getting started.
it's not a 'sexy' play but it's one i feel confident i will clean up on.