Told you negroes. Just wait till they announce earnings in a few weeks. They've already secured and delivered a 2 billion dollar deal with Greece, just released a 10 min Covid test, and about to start working with the cruise industry to sterilize their ships. With they're tech and patents, they have alot of great options.
Just a matter of time before they're purchased by 3M, Apple, or some large tech company. Insiders predicting it tonhit $1-2 a share in a few years. I've made a grip already with my 50K shares. I've seen other folk I know bought like 250K worth of shares back when it was 0.06. they're gonna be filthy rich!
Now that my money is up, I'm gonna go in heavy on a few real winners.
Unfortunately when I'm posting here, some people accused me of shilling or trying to deceive, despite being one of the originators of this thread. (CHECK THE FIRST PAGE). Hopefully the lurkers were able to win like I have. Easily my best preforming stock at this point.
That being said, this is only for entertainment purposes only