If Melvin capital and the other short sellers failed it would have brought down the entire market so DTCC raised the collateral requirements to 100% to cause a domino effect and stop GME trading and let Melvin and them get out from under the pressure.
If Melvin fails they default on all their obligations.
The brokers have to step in and cover all Melvin's obligations.
The brokers can't afford that so the clearing houses have to step in for them.
The clearing houses can't afford that and at that point you sell a stock you get nada.
At that point I believe SIPC has to step in freeze everything and pay people out up to $500K of their holdings and the rest is lost because the insurance only goes that high.
So essentially the central clearing house stepped in and caused a chain reaction to save Melvin and other short sellers and thus the market. Imagine the suffrage if that didn't happen.
Like I said the government needs to insert themselves into this now. These WSB cats are playing with the detonator of a nuclear bomb.
I'd be less hard on RH if they were honest about what's happening.
The bottom line is that this is the HFs fault for over leveraging.
Anybody on the coli makes this trade, we take the L nobody swooping in and saving us and our family from financial ruin.
Based on what I'm reading the shorts are still over leveraged so as long as people hold the squeeze is coming.
You okay with them holding back the flood gates, by limiting buys and letting the HFs skate away?
While I get your point, robinhood has no right to limit/not let people buy stocks that have absolutely nothing to do with gme. I mean Starbucks? Rolls royce? Jagx? Really? So people can't play low float stocks anymore? Its bullshyt.
The shares are priced at whatever the market says they are. Who are they to tell their clients "oh no its over valued" so we arent gonna let you buy? Technical plays are a thing, not every stock is meant to be held for 20 years so let them in on express if they wanna pay 13 a share despite the company not being worth that on paper. Someone is always gonna buy at the absolute top. It's a skill to read charts.
My speculation is that were going to find out all of the company's who were overly short in gamestop have positions in these company's too.
If they can't cover their game losses they can't cover these either.