I already said it was downAll that to say your account is down from the top of the week like everyone else’s...got it

Just 1/2%
I already said it was downAll that to say your account is down from the top of the week like everyone else’s...got it
And what percentage is your team downI already said it was down
Just 1/2%
He provides a nice summary and tries to simplify the whole situation.
If the losers can't cover the brokerages have to step in. The smaller brokerages fail. Then the clearing houses have to take over. They get the funds from other larger brokerages who in turn fail and the whole system collapses on itself. These brokerages run to the banks and tap credit and can't pay it back then it hits the banks.
Robinhood stepped in and took the bullet to prevent a full scale financial collapse. These fools on WSB are trying to engineer a complete financial meltdown under the guise of let's get the share price to $1000.
We came right to the edge of everything blowing up. Lord knows how many people would have suffered if it happened.
Congress needs to act to prevent this from ever happening again.