Lca lookin good
Some of y'all need more patience. AAPL speaks for itself, hold that shyt long term. Tesla at least wait a while before you panic sell. These are long termers.
The volatility doesn’t really bother me. I expected it going in. I started my brokerage a month ago so I’m aware I’m not holding bargains with where I bought in on AAPL, TSLA, SQ, and FB but I’m going long so I’m straight. Gonna just hold and if the opportunity presents itself for me to average down, then I will.
yea, i know about backdoor roths, but because i have a rollover IRA that i had placed some old 401k's in, i have to pay taxes on money i roll from my regular IRA (diff account than my rollover) into a backdoor roth. it's annoying as the only way to avoid this is by placing the money in my rollover into my current 401k,Roth is tax free growth. 401k is tax deferred growth. People that don't normally qualify can try a backdoor Roth.
If people think stocks are quick money, they're in for a hard lesson.I think it's that some dudes ain't comfortable with their cost basis
I bought in both a long time again and then more when they announced
I wasn't interested in adding more once it went parabolic again
If people think stocks are quick money, they're in for a hard lesson.