Boiler Room: The Official Stock Market Discussion


May 2, 2012
Mother Russia & Greater Israel
if there's sound analysis and fundamentals behind the picks then why does it make a difference at the value of the PPS and the exchange it trades on.

That would be fine but 99% of these penny stocks don't have either. I know you're a smart guy and know your shyt but people coming in this thread mostly don't know anything. Penny stocks are a terrible way to get involved in the market and carry huge risk and high volatility.

Donald J Trump

Dec 27, 2012
That would be fine but 99% of these penny stocks don't have either. I know you're a smart guy and know your shyt but people coming in this thread mostly don't know anything. Penny stocks are a terrible way to get involved in the market and carry huge risk and high volatility.
Yea your just trying to raise capital so I can have enough to day trade for the rest of my days....fastest way to do it is this way with the weed craze...tryna be done with it by the summer.

I made 20% when I turned 10k into 12k in January with listed stocks, so imagine if Im able to get 200-300k with the weed craze....i mean just 15% in listed stocks in a month with 200k is 30,000 :wow:


Jul 14, 2012
ATTBF for how long? What's it projected to hit?

one of the few legitimate MJ plays, in Canada and applying for licensese that would make it one of the premiere weed plays in North America. Easily could be a double digit stock within 2 years...I'm pretty optimistic on it.

fairly low share structure (compared to the likes of ERBB)


May 5, 2012
Well damn. I feel like a fukkin punk for not being up on this MJ-life - other than what I've read in the news really. I live in Scandinavia so I guess that's the main reason for this.

AAANYWAY. Put a nikka up on this shyt. i read up on what I could find in here, on the net and on

I only got about 1k to invest - and most likely I would put only 500 bucks to try this MJ thing out. Any recommendations for the nations yo? Is it too late for me to get up on ATTBF, since they're at a sick 2.21 USD pricepoint? With the ERBB-news and all, I feel like I would be a sucka to get into this at THIS stage - so what other big developments are you expecting to see on the MJ field in the next, say weeks?

Or should I say fukk it and go in on Monday, 700 on ATTBF and 300 on ERBB since them nikkas partnered up :takedat: and expect to see a huge profit within a month or so... ?

I would be copping the OTC pink joints though, which just doesn't seem too bauwcce either..BUT, I'm open


Domingo Halliburton

Handmade in USA
May 8, 2012
Brooklyn Without Limits
Well damn. I feel like a fukkin punk for not being up on this MJ-life - other than what I've read in the news really. I live in Scandinavia so I guess that's the main reason for this.

AAANYWAY. Put a nikka up on this shyt. i read up on what I could find in here, on the net and on

I only got about 1k to invest - and most likely I would put only 500 bucks to try this MJ thing out. Any recommendations for the nations yo? Is it too late for me to get up on ATTBF, since they're at a sick 2.21 USD pricepoint? With the ERBB-news and all, I feel like I would be a sucka to get into this at THIS stage - so what other big developments are you expecting to see on the MJ field in the next, say weeks?

Or should I say fukk it and go in on Monday, 700 on ATTBF and 300 on ERBB since them nikkas partnered up :takedat: and expect to see a huge profit within a month or so... ?

I would be copping the OTC pink joints though, which just doesn't seem too bauwcce either..BUT, I'm open


let your online broker know you want to get approved for options then follow @Shugg Ross


Nov 2, 2013
Well damn. I feel like a fukkin punk for not being up on this MJ-life - other than what I've read in the news really. I live in Scandinavia so I guess that's the main reason for this.

AAANYWAY. Put a nikka up on this shyt. i read up on what I could find in here, on the net and on

I only got about 1k to invest - and most likely I would put only 500 bucks to try this MJ thing out. Any recommendations for the nations yo? Is it too late for me to get up on ATTBF, since they're at a sick 2.21 USD pricepoint? With the ERBB-news and all, I feel like I would be a sucka to get into this at THIS stage - so what other big developments are you expecting to see on the MJ field in the next, say weeks?

Or should I say fukk it and go in on Monday, 700 on ATTBF and 300 on ERBB since them nikkas partnered up :takedat: and expect to see a huge profit within a month or so... ?

I would be copping the OTC pink joints though, which just doesn't seem too bauwcce either..BUT, I'm open


When III criticized penny talk discussion, I think this is what he envisioned.

Shugg has made some money and others probably see it as low investment (whether or not it's low relative to net worth) with potentially big, quick returns. There's not enough focus on the risk.

There's a difference between analysis like Shugg is doing and piggybacking off Shugg's analysis because of his results, which I think what some might be inclined to do.

I definitely would not invest in a penny stock unless you can back up why you're doing so.

Donald J Trump

Dec 27, 2012
Well damn. I feel like a fukkin punk for not being up on this MJ-life - other than what I've read in the news really. I live in Scandinavia so I guess that's the main reason for this.

AAANYWAY. Put a nikka up on this shyt. i read up on what I could find in here, on the net and on

I only got about 1k to invest - and most likely I would put only 500 bucks to try this MJ thing out. Any recommendations for the nations yo? Is it too late for me to get up on ATTBF, since they're at a sick 2.21 USD pricepoint? With the ERBB-news and all, I feel like I would be a sucka to get into this at THIS stage - so what other big developments are you expecting to see on the MJ field in the next, say weeks?

Or should I say fukk it and go in on Monday, 700 on ATTBF and 300 on ERBB since them nikkas partnered up :takedat: and expect to see a huge profit within a month or so... ?

I would be copping the OTC pink joints though, which just doesn't seem too bauwcce either..BUT, I'm open

Put it into UTRM monday..your welcome..Had you put it in friday, you'd have went from 1000 to 1740 and I'd have went from 17,000 to 30,000:ehh1:
But my funds didn't clear:beli:
ICBU will be nice too:bayer:

And always remember these three rules
1. Never go against the wolf pack.
2. Repeat rule number 1.
3. The strength of the wolf is in the pack, and the strength of the pack is in the wolf.:plo:
Last edited:


May 5, 2012
When III criticized penny talk discussion, I think this is what he envisioned.

Shugg has made some money and others probably see it as low investment (whether or not it's low relative to net worth) with potentially big, quick returns. There's not enough focus on the risk.

There's a difference between analysis like Shugg is doing and piggybacking off Shugg's analysis because of his results, which I think what some might be inclined to do.

I definitely would not invest in a penny stock unless you can back up why you're doing so.

Ok breh, I appreciate where you're coming from. Let me clarifty this a bit more. I study my potential investments extra hard, and analyze the shyt out of them before even considering putting money in.

However, I'm not a pro at the pennystock game (I do own OTC pinx-shares, but it's of a very solid and large company, with a share price of over 10 usd). My basis on going in - be it VERY late - on the MMJ-space, is that of course I'm trying to spot out some nice opportunities, based on info I can find from various sources, nikkas over here being one of them. The +1 k USD I got on deck is for investment purposes, so the risk is not deadly for me in that sense. I'm well aware of the HIGH risks in the pennygame, but OBVIOUSLY I would like to bank profits like a muthafukka though...:myman:

Put it into UTRM monday..your welcome..Had you put it in friday, you'd have went from 1000 to 1740 and I'd have went from 17,000 to 30,000:ehh1:
But my funds didn't clear:beli:
ICBU will be nice too:bayer:

And always remember these three rules
1. Never go against the wolf pack.
2. Repeat rule number 1.
3. The strength of the wolf is in the pack, and the strength of the pack is in the wolf.:plo:

:salute: brehbreh

UTRM huh... I mean what's the gameplan - why this stock, what are they looking like and is it a day/week/month-play? That 74 % in a day though :krs: but that 0.0076 USD share price seems way too pennyish... :ld:

The same with ICBU - what's it looking like regarding this one?

To me it seems like ATTBF is a much more safer bet..:lupe: But do you think it's already maxing out for a while at the 2.21 USD? Most analyses see it going to 3 usd easily in the near future... ERBB should also have some room for going up some time during next week. No?

A nikka out here trying to turn this 1k to 10 k before April, feel me :leostare:

Donald J Trump

Dec 27, 2012
Ok breh, I appreciate where you're coming from. Let me clarifty this a bit more. I study my potential investments extra hard, and analyze the shyt out of them before even considering putting money in.

However, I'm not a pro at the pennystock game (I do own OTC pinx-shares, but it's of a very solid and large company, with a share price of over 10 usd). My basis on going in - be it VERY late - on the MMJ-space, is that of course I'm trying to spot out some nice opportunities, based on info I can find from various sources, nikkas over here being one of them. The +1 k USD I got on deck is for investment purposes, so the risk is not deadly for me in that sense. I'm well aware of the HIGH risks in the pennygame, but OBVIOUSLY I would like to bank profits like a muthafukka though...:myman:

:salute: brehbreh

UTRM huh... I mean what's the gameplan - why this stock, what are they looking like and is it a day/week/month-play? That 74 % in a day though :krs: but that 0.0076 USD share price seems way too pennyish... :ld:

The same with ICBU - what's it looking like regarding this one?

To me it seems like ATTBF is a much more safer bet..:lupe: But do you think it's already maxing out for a while at the 2.21 USD? Most analyses see it going to 3 usd easily in the near future... ERBB should also have some room for going up some time during next week. No?

A nikka out here trying to turn this 1k to 10 k before April, feel me :leostare:
Buy it or dont :yeshrug: Wolfpack made MINE go to 99 RSI, so......

Big Jo

May 6, 2012
but that 0.0076 USD share price seems way too pennyish... :ld:

Get used to it bruh

This month I bought QASP at .0003 sold it at .0004

33% return, i did nothing but set a limit buy and limit sell order and just let them fill

cheap stocks are ideal to flip if you're patient, and do some research. don't the let the low PPS scare you.


May 5, 2012
Get used to it bruh

This month I bought QASP at .0003 sold it at .0004

33% return, i did nothing but set a limit buy and limit sell order and just let them fill

cheap stocks are ideal to flip if you're patient, and do some research. don't the let the low PPS scare you.

Indeed, I understand the premises..It just still seems like chump change - but obv the goal is to turn it into champ change right


But cool, cool. Since I use this site called

(the top site for e-trading in Scandinavia), I probably don't have all the luxuries you guys in the US or CAN have. But shyt, I'll holla at my site and see how much they charge for setting limits etc. Buying OTC ADR costs like a mufukka though, like 15 EUR, same with selling. But yeah, the time differences are a bytch too when trying to be on top of the game on a day-basis, but nothing a boss won't handle yararamean :birdman: