Boiler Room: The Official Stock Market Discussion


Compound Kingpin
May 8, 2012
Focusville, USA
Not sure if I’m being clear but I want to know if I got the idea of index funds correct. I just buy shares of whatever index fund I want to invest in and just don’t take anything out for a set period of time?
exactly. don't even bother with it for many years. let me look an example of one of the ones I got.

My highest value fund is currently FSPGX. Some of its holdings are stocks like Apple, MSFT, FB, AMazon, Google, United Healthcare, Visa, Masterccard. Its performing at nearly 18% since inception almost 5 years ago. Some funds are even better than that. The money is growing for you. Thats the principal of all this. I got 25 years until I reach 60. Its better to have some of your money work for you than for you to have to work for it all. Those are major companies that the funds are investing in and trained professionals that know how to redistribute the amount each company gets invested as need be. Theres way more risk trying to time the market. This is a way to have long term growth and best to also diversify your funds. That way if one sector is having a bad period, another one can pick up the slack. Tech is booming cuz of course new shyt is always coming out and we need tech to operate our daily lives like we doing now. Healthcare always gonna be great cuz everyone is bound to get sick at one point or another in life. Real estate as well cuz people need places to live and businesses need places to operate. Plus with the growing international economy and a huge boom in places like Africa and elsewhere, plenty of opportunity there. If you don't plan to retire for another 30 or so years than take a risk and see what happens. Even if the market drops like in March, it always bounces back. The Dow Jones was at 10k in 2010 and now its at 26k. shyt, it was at 1300 when I was born in 1985 and at 26k today. Thats 35 years, practically from the age of 20 to 55. Can you imagine that type of growth thru out your working career without doing any extra work at all? shyt is mind boggling and who knows what type of growth can happen the next 35 years.

NkrumahWasRight Is Wrong

May 1, 2012
Uncertain grounds
Don't look at anything pre-April 2020. That wasn't DKNG.. that was DEAC which later merged with Draftkings to become "DKNG"

From April 2020 to Current it has grown from $20-$40+ range. I think it stays around this range for NBA/MLB because I believe the return of those sports are priced in.

But it reacts well to news. Many analysts think it can get to $50 by end of July. We'll see.

My $50 call looking trash


Apr 2, 2017
I thought I just would have to buy 1 or 2 shares of VFIAX ($290/share) every month after an initial investment of $3000.

I don’t see how interest compounds that way but everything I’ve looked up basically said that’s how I invest in an index fund. Is that correct?

I thought there was a way I could invest a set amount every month like an even $500 or $1000 while making interest on top of interest for 25-30 yrs but I’m not seeing that as an option unless I’m just mad lost. :dwillhuh:

And yea I’m cool with the long run ups and downs. Seems like long as I keep putting in and don’t take out for 30 yrs, the overall market will be good to me and I can cash out a nice amount just in time to party the rest of my :flabbynsick: days away :blessed:

there's no option. you just pick the fund (vanguard total market index for ex.) and auto invest whatever monthly you want to put. that's it. don't even bother how it goes up and down. just put money in there. do you have 401k or IRA option through your job? if you do then do that, so you can get a tax advantage.

don't tryna think hard. investing in index means you are putting your trust in the stock market itself. you aren't picking this stock or that. you are investing in the WHOLE THING.

this is a 100 years of dow jones. there were times when people thought they lost everything. but the history says otherwise.


as long as you invest in this shyt long term, you will retire as a multi millionaire. key is to do it early. the magic happens when you do this 20+ years. it's also called a snowball effect.



Compound Kingpin
May 8, 2012
Focusville, USA
On the topic of funds and interest, any advice for making up for lost time? 35 with not that much saved but can put 2-3k in a month in some type of investments.

You can definitely make up that lost time especially with how much you're able to invest. Long as you not risking any money that can pay off any high interest debts you may have. Anyways maybe grab some low risk funds, maybe like 10 or 15% of your portfolio to have some stability and go high with the rest. Don't try to go too steep on the incline cuz it might not happen that way. Gonna have to be patient. Maybe even save some money too but the interest rates have been dropping too much lately. But still a good option tho. Just don't try to make up for lost time too quick.


All Star
Aug 30, 2015
On the topic of funds and interest, any advice for making up for lost time? 35 with not that much saved but can put 2-3k in a month in some type of investments.
look at low expense ratio index funds vs doing individual stocks
maybe look at getting a 401k/HSA started
start putting money into m1 finance where you can build your own index fund of blue chip stocks (FAANG)