Buffet didn't make billions flipping pennies tho I mean let's be serious, he made his billions with blue chip plays.
I'm not against pennies tho
I'm not against pennies tho
$OPTIMy first one that is really hitting...
My cost basis $0.0031 per share
You guys hang on to it? Or taking the profits and run?
Buffet didn't make billions flipping pennies tho I mean let's be serious, he made his billions with blue chip plays.
I'm not against pennies tho
I feel like its good to diversify and have both individual stocks and index funds. Its more about money management and a mental game. penny stocks likely won't get people rich but they could give a decent return to flip into a higher priced stock. ain't no stock regardless a guarantee cuz any stock can go down and discourage an investor. like look at what happened in March. doesn't happen that often but someone who might've purchased a stock and then had it crash would be devastated. of course luckily things started going back up. Also I don't think you need to be high iq, or maybe I just am not like the average people you describe. I know all about candlestick charts and stuff like that cuz of reading up on forex, but I'm not really applying that too much. just managing my money and risking what I can afford to lose plus minimizing my losses and being smart with taking profits is what has helped me. I don't even do DD. I just follow what y'all and others online say and see what is good with the stock and get in and out as need be. some stocks will go up, some stocks will go down. but if you smart about your money, you'll be ok. investing is a long mans game. some just don't have the patience for it cuz they want huge gains on a daily basis. I made o.27% today amongst my 3 fidelity accounts for like $150 profit, not much but something and I'd take that every day of the week if I could. Success is success no matter how much.i'm an average nikka and i'm up 50% this year
average nikkas should just do index funds for steady 12-15% gain and just invest for next 30 years. they maybe average, but that's how you make a mil.
not everybody is high IQ breh. average nikkas don't even know wtf is candlestick charts and they ain't got a clue wtf they are doing. they ain't traders. they just speculate and buy with a damn hunch. there's zero research behind it. they just follow hearsay and put a damn blind faith in it. that's exactly how nikkas lose money. i know ton of these nikkas who bought into penny stock hype and they stop fukkin with them cuz at the end of the day it got them nowhere.
hell that's exactly what i do, but i at least look into wtf the company is about.
Real penny trading. My nikka! Hope you getting K's off that flip.
That's not true. KO wasn't a blue-chip when Buffet first invested into it, and that's the largest investment of his portfolio.
In fact, Buffet got in the game buying into a defunct publicly traded company and he MADE them hot. They were going bankrupt when he came into Berkshire.
Most of his port is blue-chip bank stocks though. I'll give you that. But I mean he's already a billionaire at that point.
got in for 5k at 0.0046. up like $57 overall. PR expected tomorrow afternoon so hopefully it gets a decent morning run. might sell some to secure a profit and let the rest cook.$OPTIMy first one that is really hitting...
My cost basis $0.0031 per share
You guys hang on to it? Or taking the profits and run?
Real penny trading. My nikka! Hope you getting K's off that flip.
That's not true. KO wasn't a blue-chip when Buffet first invested into it, and that's the largest investment of his portfolio.
In fact, Buffet got in the game buying into a defunct publicly traded company and he MADE them hot. They were going bankrupt when he came into Berkshire.
Most of his port is blue-chip bank stocks though. I'll give you that. But I mean he's already a billionaire at that point.
I read this yesterday. Sad that breh didn't understand the option strategy he was using. I don't think it is Robin Hood's fault though. It is common practice for options to settle up the next day or over the weekend once they expire or are assigned. I had 1-2 scares a few years ago, although not to that level. I had an ITM call spread with the short calls assigned away and had to call technical support to figure out what to do to make my account whole lol. It's a right of passage as an options trader basically.
No. Wish I did tho. I made a g and took it and ran$OPTIMy first one that is really hitting...
My cost basis $0.0031 per share
You guys hang on to it? Or taking the profits and run?
Took a flyer on OPES. It's BurgerFi going public.. I see some upside here
Anyone in on NBRV? Has been so stagnant when they have a big FDA approval tomorrow
you ain't holding penny stocks long term, so it don't matter. if you held these stocks maybe you are sitting on a gold mine tho. and hindsight ain't 20/20 when you are committed to buy a stock and hold it for long at any period of time.
i guarantee average nikkas will just lose money. they buy high, sell low. all of us tryna time the market, but shyt never works. we jump on a stock that's already pumped. sure, nikkas will get lucky here and there, but at the end of the day you go home empty handed. it's like a casino. most will go home thinking wtf just happened.
i'll be safe than sorry. i'm only gonna trade 5-10% of my portfolio. i'm doing this for fun. i'm not doing it to build my wealth breh. my bread and butter is TSLA and other long term stocks. so far i got lucky with penny stocks, but i ain't gonna make it a habit.
Buffet didn't make billions flipping pennies tho I mean let's be serious, he made his billions with blue chip plays.
I'm not against pennies tho