Red Shield
Global Domination
All this happened under the regiment of a "black" president. Invasive what will happen when they put a white back in power.
And nothing will change until our community has money to put away cops like this. They get away with this because without money, we cannot fight back or affect change.
No money, no power, no sway, no change. The only other way there will be change is if cops start looking us in droves.
This is right on the heels of the Sandra Bland case and there hasn't been a wide spread initiative or media coverage of cops killing blacks. No Tyler Perry movie, no million man March. This is exactly why they killed Malcolm.
Police racism and terrorism needs to be addressed as a voting platform. There needs to be change and people need to held accountable from the top down.
But are we so at the bottom that people can just walk over so many corpses like it's nothing? Or will the death toll add up to a substantial amount that politicians recognize that something needs to be done?
It's atrocious to think of how many innocent bodies have been piling up over the last few years. But this exposes the government and the people of America for what it really is and who they really are. This will all come to light eventually but after numerous bodies and more bizarre situations.
These cops are pathetic.
If something doesn't happen then this will get to the point, where most people are apathetic about it. And that's the really dangerous thing about everything that's been happening