If HBO allows history to play itself out, and they more than likely would, Torrio, Luciano & Lansky all died of natural causes. So Nucky not resting into their graves is a moot point....HBO gotta come up with a better ending because it seems like Nucky is going to die trying to war with these dudes.
What I don't get is, Marazano was nearly hit in that as well, shouldn't he send his faction to get Torrio & Luciano if Nucky already knows who the hit was from? And it would deviate from history though.
The part about Eli smashing Nelson's wife was crazy, especially since she was throwing him the puzzy from the kitchen table in front of everybody earlier. I think Eli survives but Nelson won't. Crazy watching the downfall of Capone of this standpoint.
The Gillian story is pointless, I really don't see how they're going to tie her whole story to the finale. Same thing with Chalky & Narcisse. But who else thinks that little girl on the couch is Chalky's daughter with Daughter? And how weird does that sound?