Okay Harrow could take him out then what? Jimmy does not command any respect from his crew, they questioned every move he made and Capone and the others looked at him as a joke. If Jimmy had killed Nucky which would have made no sense, then what? Harrow by himself is going to take on AR, Torrio and Capone, not to mention Gyps boss? Jimmy was always a number 2 never the top guy. Plus you really think Jimmy had the smarts of Nucky? To make those connections with the irish, with Harry in the white house, plus that guy who he worked with to set up AR at the end of last season? Chulky used to call Jimmy son, sorry Jimmy takes orders from top, not gives them.

also, Chaulky called Jimmy "Young James"
Jimmy could of ended Nucky in my opinion, but he didnt want to. That was his surrogate father. He could of done whatever he wanted with the Commodore and Gillian but he just didnt like them. he had lost his wife and he didnt have shyt left.