Bloodline - Season 3 (Official Thread)


Make It Hot-ta
May 14, 2012
just had to have a kevin fenerty-sopranos episode didnt they?

aside from that, about on track w/ the other two seasons. my two maddest moments were meg not giving a fuk and fukup brother's wife saying it was john's job to fix everything. he's always fixing shyt and thats the damn problem with this family...well, atleast the kids.

their mother might have earned an emmy when she read everybody their rights in the kitchen. :ooh:


May 26, 2012
San Diego
Just finished the finale, a few thoughts on the show, and finale itself, I personally thought it was a near perfect, for an alcohol, sweat, and guilt soaked series, and season. There were no happy endings, for anyone involved, little redemption, just the continued crashing of the sea, as it "takes everything", as Sally says, in the prelude to her drunken, fateful, vicious dressing down of her two sons, which reveals to the audience, but mostly to John, and Kevin, exactly what kind of person the matriarch of the Rayburn family really is. Vindictive, cruel, manipulative, needy, and drowning in her own sorrow, regret, and anger, which she she has passed into her only remaining sons.

John has been walking around in a blur of remorse and self hatred since he killed Danny, bleeding into his subconcious, and manifesting itself as the person he killed, whom he can't forgive himself for. Yes, it was unneeded at times, at Episode 9, though, I thought a near brilliant mediation of pain, remorse, guilt, and depression, stretched itself thin at times. The various subplots, Ozzy in particular, added nothing, and could have been left to the side. Overall, I thought it was a worthy ending to the show, leaving nothing but destruction and insidious pain for all who kept secrets and kept lies for too many years. Even the victims of their lies, O'Bannon, with a 30 year sentence, his sister left to tend bar to sleazy bikers, disgraced professionally, and wrecked personally.

Meg, maybe finds herself in LA, or collapses into the same darkness that John does, an alcoholic, wrecked with grief of her own, no one who truly knows her, or what she's done. Kevin, a ruined family, a child either given to CPS, or raised by Belle's evangelical mother, Kevin facing 5-10 years in prison, his wife maybe a year or two also. Finances, reputation destroyed, only choice to come home the same born loser he played his whole life. Sally, alone, in her alcohol, in her ruined resort, watching the tide come in, inch, by inch, no one at her side any longer.

John, offered slight redemption, by helping Kevin (to little end) and a chance to set things right with Nolan.... at the cost of everything. His sanity, his family, his children, his wife, his own self image, never full formed, he drowned in the bay that day with his brother's corpse, whom he can't shake, and doesn't want to, his only true conscience, and bit of "good", his murdered brother. Season 3 is all about guilt, and grief, and how it consumes everything and everyone in it's path, and John trying to make what right he could. He helped Kevin, he let Meg walk away, he let his wife leave, knowing he shouldn't stay. In the end, he gets nothing more then the chance to tell a devastating truth, or live a devastating lie.

-My take on the Kevin/Cuba, was that he was in Haiti, or another island, since he gave Cuba away deliberately. It couldn't end any different for him. On the run, no money, already drinking beer at the bar, no worries in the world. In his heart John had to know Kevin was finished, he just granted him that favor, a form of forgiveness, and offering of peace.

-Kyle Maclachlan was incredible throughout the series, but really in the last season, as he cut away at himself, in attempts to atone, that scene of him crying on his knees was just raw.....

-The DEA operation is still not clear to me, at some point, the Cubans were clearly BUYING product of some kind from Gilbert.....They provided money to Kevin, the first time, and at the deal in Episode 8.

-What happened between Gilbert, Sally, and Robert all those years ago?
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