That's cool, I think my Skill is at like 15 already cause I picked the Professional Build. That's good to know tho, I was legit bout to wing with this gameThe cane scales with your skill stat breh
If you've been pushing strength and not touched skill I'd suggest picking up the hunters axe and see how you feel about it. The trick mode charge attack is overpowered as fukk. Not saying vitality isn't worth leveling up but a couple points isn't really life or death a lot of the time. Obviously you wanna keep that pool of health growing as you move forward and enemies get stronger. What I was getting at was losing some echoes here and there isn't a big deal. It's more about keeping it moving. Hit that next lamp, you'll be alright. The game is designed to give you more than you need so if you're the type to run back to Hunter's Dream whenever you have some echoes on you you'll wind up ahead of the curve. You can straight up run passed most shyt and you won't be underpowered for the next boss. When you beat a boss and get that stimulus there's always a lamp right there so you can go and cash them in. Making it clear for ya'll new dudes that dying and losing your echoes doesn't mean shyt, unless it was the big ass bonus you got from a boss in which case you fukked up
When it comes leveling your character's stamina it's more about how good you feel about the amount of swings you can get on your weapon. 25 is enough for most builds and even then you don't have to race there. It's more of a question of feel. For you strength if that's what your're feeling or skill, get that up to 25. Right around there you start getting diminishing returns so it's a good spot to sit at while you're upgrading your weapons and whatnot. Push your vitality up as you go along. It's a "you can't go wrong stat" tbh. Keep pushing till you 40 on it and you'll be good for NG and NG+ even. It's plenty. The Holy Blade is pretty dope if you get that, that goes off both strength and skill so you can push the two of those to 25. Once you've got your vitality to 40 and your skill to 25 start pushing your strength or skill to 50 (if you're doing one). If you copped the Holy Blade a lot of people go 40/40. When you did all that shyt you most likely finished the game.
Main things
1. Can't go wrong with vitality.
2. 25 stamina is alright. 40 is the cut off, you don't get any more after that.
3. The attack stats have diminishing returns at 25 and severe diminishing returns at 50.
4. No need to fukk with arcane and bloodtinge on your first character

Also is it considered easy or cheap using the message system on the online mode? Hella tips in those