Man I love this game. I've never been so immersed in a game like this for a long time. Ya it's repetitive doing the same missions over and over again but the payoff is

I just love the effort that was put into this game. The enemies, the location, the atmosphere. Everything about is so

The level of detail the devs put in this game is mindblowing. Everything has a purpose and that makes it that much more special. The game gets harder as you get to the later levels. In other games, towards the end they get easier cause you already know how to do things. This game makes you stay on your feet. Things jump at you at the perfect time.
A perfect example of the intensity was fighting the boss from the castle and my heart felt like it was coming out of my chest. I was so into it and I was trying so hard to beat him. It was an intense experience and these type of experiences don't come often, at least for me personally.
I've never played a from software game before and I've never bought Dlc for any other game but after I finish the game, I'm definitely buying the dlc. I heard it adds another 10-15 hours of gameplay. That's like another game.
My goty. I've spent like 20 hours so far and I'm only at 75% completion. Amazing. Definitely buying the sequel and the next demon souls game.