Poetical Poltergeist
Precise and cold hearted
I agree and not only that these movies hit video so fast these days, if you just wait a while you can see all these movies for cheap in the comfort of your own home.Convenience and alternatives have really altered the landscape when it comes to the cinema. I also think people are much more economically cautious to go out and see something these days. Word of mouth is so valuable too, I go to the movies more than my friends so when they ask me how for example, Godzilla was, and I just go it was aightthey usually decide to skip it, watch a stream or wait till it hits home media. In a time where for a lot of people money is tight and there’s more media options than ever, a lot of people will skip these big summer blockbusters, watch a YouTube review, and KIM and watch some shyt on Netflix or Hulu instead. Gonna be interesting times ahead to see how Hollywood adapts to that
Word of mouth thing is real too. I know a few people on this board said they liked Godzilla, my brother told me it was wack so I'll take his word for it and said nah I ain't wasting my money on that shyt either. That's all it took.