whoa derre, this is thecoli so first things first:
Unless youre a victim (descendant) of the european slave trade, you can't possibly be Black AND born in a country outside of the western world. Hell, if youre Afro-Caribbean, Black South American, or Black Canadian, you barely make the cut.
If youre Black and claim to know of, or have ancestry in non western countries (excluding African obviously), youre either lying, delusional, tying to steal culture, or your people arrived there because slavery

. But under no circumstances, even if simple logic steers us that way, do/did Black people live anywhere in the world pre-colonialism/slavery, besides Sub Sahara Africa

Black people never left Africa unless we were in chains.
Actually, an unknown group of nonBlack

people migrated out of Africa in separate waves over starting about 10, 000 or so years ago, and started colonizing other parts of world.
Black Africans never left Africa unless they were enslaved, because Black people and Africans are lazy, and only good for physical labor, sports, dancing, singing, forgiving massa, and praising white jesus
What do Black/African people care about the mysteries of the world?
We werent explorers, scientists, mathematicians, inventors, or anything outside of what white supremacists and their soldiers have tried to fill our brains with. Afrocentric agendas