Can you explain the bolded part?
Sorry typo,
I meant most of European American society has convinced us that the only tribes in pre-Euro colonial America were the native tribes from Asia (nodirect descendants of Africans). Great strategy

- less history, no claims to lands, and makes it easier to infiltrate some tribes ($5 dollar Indian)
They destroy or distort any idea that Africans had the brains, motivation, and technology to make the trip to South America from Africa. And if someone like me tries to explain it, the response is "Afrocentrics think Black people created everything", "You cant judge people based on their nose or hair", or something to that effect.
They say "Afroncentrics are doing exactly what white supremacist do by claiming other peoples cultures", instead of taking a good look at the evidence and putting 2 and 2 together. Africans intermarried with ancient Natives (who descended from the Africans who migrated to and from south Asia + Australia way back n the earliest migrations out of Africa).
I gotta get out of here, but theres many books, documentaries, and lectures from Black people, and less-biased White people (white ice is nice i know), that touch on this subjects.
This aint about superiority or needing to attach to something.
Its about re-balancing the scale, using logic, and realizing we (Black people all over the world) have a bigger role in this than whats been taught.
And what weve been taught, 90% comes from the enemy.
Malcolm taught us not to play that