God Emperor of SOHH
Well I agree there is no black man's religion just like there is no white man or arab man religion.
You have the same mind frame as the "evil white man". You should join him. You said verbatim "for the record I don't give a fuk about "brown" people I just give a fuk about black people". This is the same attitude as the racist oppressor. So you want to be the racist oppressor instead of the racially oppressed but you have no interest in stopping racist oppression as a whole?
When you only look out for self, we call that selfishness. It's a vice. You've already admitted this, now the challenge is getting you to see that your way of thinking is just as evil as the white man ahmadinejadyou claim to be embattled with.
I don't know what you think I was saying, but I believe in freedom of religion, I don't really care about religion as long as you keep it to yourself, my point was that the Nation of Islam made a mistake by trying to make Islam the "black man's religion", that was my only point
I don't agree with framing issues in terms of the white man oppressing brown people, I don't believe in fighting racism and I don't believe black people are here to save anybody from white people
In terms of world issues I believe in individual freedom and I support anybody that believes in individual freedom
In terms of race, black people should look out for their own interests first