Actually if i recall it was black females that started the bashing

first saw it in 2012.
nah, it started around 2005-2006. well, to be honest, it started long before that. but the "gender war" as we know it started soon as youtube popped off. BW got on there and started the same bullshyt they had been doing on national talk shows about black men. "you all want white women","you all hate yourselves","why can't i find a good black men, they're all in jail or with white women"
that was the first chance BM had to respond directly to BW. nikkas started bringing up their attitudes, weight, appearance, kids--just about everything you can think of. thats when BW suddenly switched their rhetoric. they went from "we want black kings, we're so loyal, we love black men" to "we're getting white men now. you're all weak and powerless!"
and the way they immediately switched up, let me know they really felt that way all along. but they were content with the situation long as they could shyt on black men, while we bowed our heads in shame on some "you right, we aint shyt, you single mothers are incredible" shyt