Black women are on the opposite spectrum of beauty, they look masculine- Kevin Samuels


Feb 12, 2015
There’s SO much psychoanalysis for me to dig into. I dunno where to start because watching this shyt unfold has been validating some of the shyt I’ve been saying on this site for years. The fact that some dudes are constantly trying to cape for him...he’s like a black Donald Trump and they are like Trump supporters.

How people don’t see these parallels are beyond me.
The blk men who are A-okay with somebody expressing sentiments like these are that same breed of reject I been telling ya’ll about. The reject revolution is real. And these are completely separate from the other majority of black men.

But rejects are social pariahs and parasites. Left unchecked they latch on to common issues and literally turn every fukking problem we got in our community into why they are too awkward, too weird to get a piece of p*ssy.

Normal black men and black women have normal issues against a backdrop of racism and systematic white supremacy. There are real problems both groups need to work on. Real gender issues. Real economic issues. Real health issues. Ect.

But rejects come in looking to use any of those excuses as a way to explain their own romantic failures. Heaven Scamuels gives these types lullabies by using these issues to give these types excuses.

So the reason you are clit repellent isn’t because you have off-putting energy or can’t interact with others—>NOPE. It’s because blk women look masculine and don’t know that they are fat and ugly but have the sheer nerve to still have preferences!

So the reason no chick wants to come to your momma’s crib to suck your meat isn’t because it’s awkward as hell to do so, EVEN though most sociologists say that’s actually the primary factor in why men are having less sex these days—> NOPE it MUST be because these bytches are just awful and chasing after billionaires. Even regular chicks.
He gives a platform to the reject revolution that provides excuses for why these types are the way they are. And it’s all the women’s fault.

The sad part about these types is that they will use any racist rhetoric, any issue, any platform to explain away their social skills deficits. Their inability to hold a positive, fun conversation with the opposite sex. Their inability to clean up after themselves, maintain the basics, make people comfortable in their presence. And then because this minority is so loud with their echo chambers, they become associated with actual normal blacks who ain’t even about this nonsense.

Im literally watching rejects cannibalize the image of black men just like colorists did, just like ignorant hip hop artists did, just like every stereotypical caricature of blackness has done. I’ve seen this happen with blank women too. Where do you think out irritated assertion that “black women aren’t a monolith” comes from? But it’s crazy to watch men go through the same shyt.:weirdo:

And if you speak out against it, legions of rejects rush to insult you to protect Trump Heaven Scamuels. Crazy part is, you can’t blame black women for this one. These are the representatives your brethren have chosen for you.

The saddest part about social reject parasites is that they never find what they are searching for. Heaven Scamuels’ message isn’t new. The early 2000s-2014s were rife with anti-bw advice just like his. From Sergeant Willie Pete to Donovan Sharpe. The black women are ugly, fat, masculine, attitudinal, hair hat, gon be alone tropes are nothing new. It’s rhetoric borrowed from racists to sooth rejects for their inability to fukk in spite of these horrible black women being soooo terrible. :rolleyes:

But in spite of DECADES of this rhetoric, these same losers are STILL nursing chafed dikks, hurt egos, and lonely cribs because focusing on others doesn’t make YOU better. Unfortunately these types still haven’t figured out that blowing a black woman’s candle out, won’t make theirs shine any brighter. After Heaven leaves, another will take his place to profit off the loneliness of these dudes without offering any solutions other than feel good, “break down the bytches” incel porn.

In any case, let him continue. :yeshrug:If anything, just like Trump did, he is shining a MAJOR light on the true nature of the blacks who follow him. Any black woman with sense needs to pay attention to his followers so they can be better discerners. Many are showing you their cards. Move accordingly.

And no that isn’t an invitation to think IR dating is the cure for this.:mjlol: Because I know this dude is just giving all kinds of fuel to the divest community
:stopitslime: Oh well. These types just make shyt worse. The backlash from this shyt is gonna be stupendous but don’t take @booksnrain’s word for it.

I’m just observing. And cringing occasionally...:weirdo: mostly laughing my ass off:laff:...but observing nonetheless.

Cue the reject squad responses:

“FEMINIST bytch!”
“I have her on ignore even though I always get asshurt everytime she posts!”:angry:


Sep 5, 2014
Cornfields, cows, & an one stoplight town
The sad part about these types is that they will use any racist rhetoric, any issue, any platform to explain away their social skills deficits. Their inability to hold a positive, fun conversation with the opposite sex. Their inability to clean up after themselves, maintain the basics, make people comfortable in their presence. And then because this minority is so loud with their echo chambers, they become associated with actual normal blacks who ain’t even about this nonsense.

Im literally watching rejects cannibalize the image of black men just like colorists did, just like ignorant hip hop artists did, just like every stereotypical caricature of blackness has done. I’ve seen this happen with blank women too. Where do you think out irritated assertion that “black women aren’t a monolith” comes from? But it’s crazy to watch men go through the same shyt.:weirdo:

And if you speak out against it, legions of rejects rush to insult you to protect Trump Heaven Scamuels. Crazy part is, you can’t blame black women for this one. These are the representatives your brethren have chosen for you.

The saddest part about social reject parasites is that they never find what they are searching for. Heaven Scamuels’ message isn’t new. The early 2000s-2014s were rife with anti-bw advice just like his. From Sergeant Willie Pete to Donovan Sharpe. The black women are ugly, fat, masculine, attitudinal, hair hat, gon be alone tropes are nothing new. It’s rhetoric borrowed from racists to sooth rejects for their inability to fukk in spite of these horrible black women being soooo terrible. :rolleyes:

But in spite of DECADES of this rhetoric, these same losers are STILL nursing chafed dikks, hurt egos, and lonely cribs because focusing on others doesn’t make YOU better. Unfortunately these types still haven’t figured out that blowing a black woman’s candle out, won’t make theirs shine any brighter. After Heaven leaves, another will take his place to profit off the loneliness of these dudes without offering any solutions other than feel good, “break down the bytches” incel porn.

In any case, let him continue. :yeshrug:If anything, just like Trump did, he is shining a MAJOR light on the true nature of the blacks who follow him. Any black woman with sense needs to pay attention to his followers so they can be better discerners. Many are showing you their cards. Move accordingly.

And no that isn’t an invitation to think IR dating is the cure for this.:mjlol: Because I know this dude is just giving all kinds of fuel to the divest community
:stopitslime: Oh well. These types just make shyt worse. The backlash from this shyt is gonna be stupendous but don’t take @booksnrain’s word for it.

I’m just observing. And cringing occasionally...:weirdo: mostly laughing my ass off:laff:...but observing nonetheless.

Cue the reject squad responses:

“FEMINIST bytch!”
“I have her on ignore even though I always get asshurt everytime she posts!”:angry:

:wow:You just preached a word. Dapped and repped.


Simp City
Jun 8, 2012
Who is this :mjlol:
Sergeant Willie Pete. Hes an OG youtube guy who kinda kicked off a lot of the talking points and the black men's movement, he got ran off YouTube but came back, he's use to go on women's shows, and get them mad enough to tell on themselves but he kinda mellowed and evolved into a more levelheaded cat also...he had a weird thing with Chrissie. He had a decent following a few years back but never capitalized like Kevin, Tommy or Tariq.


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
Well if there isn't I used the wrong word or made a bad reference. Somewhere along the line the money google was issuing was cut drastically. It was a big discussion for a good while. Google probably backtracked. If they did I stand corrected.
Nah the ad revenue was cut but ain't no cap on it like this the nfl and you can only make x amount of dollars. That's what I mean by there is no ad revenue cap.


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
:mjlol: KS is talking about outliers. I am an outlier. The men he's representing are my peers. I know them, i dated them, i was the first black girl for several.

These threads are like fat old women calling in to tell him he's wrong. He's not talking to or about you. :mjlol:
I know he's not talking to me but about me we can easily prove that wrong if I cared enough to prove random person online wrong. Please spare me the online everybody don't make money but you bullshyt smfh.


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
Right, if black men agreed with Kevin Samuels urban modeling and IG baddies would not exist. Other males certainly aren’t lusting after that type to the same extent

Unfortunately a lot of black women have a inferiority complex when it comes to looks
This is true and once you get to adult age outside of folks trying to take your money nobody trying to hear that bullshyt about black men don't want you when nothing from stats to just walking damn near anywhere a lot of black people are at say otherwise.


Nov 20, 2013
There’s SO much psychoanalysis for me to dig into. I dunno where to start because watching this shyt unfold has been validating some of the shyt I’ve been saying on this site for years. The fact that some dudes are constantly trying to cape for him...he’s like a black Donald Trump and they are like Trump supporters.

How people don’t see these parallels are beyond me.
The blk men who are A-okay with somebody expressing sentiments like these are that same breed of reject I been telling ya’ll about. The reject revolution is real. And these are completely separate from the other majority of black men.

But rejects are social pariahs and parasites. Left unchecked they latch on to common issues and literally turn every fukking problem we got in our community into why they are too awkward, too weird to get a piece of p*ssy.

Normal black men and black women have normal issues against a backdrop of racism and systematic white supremacy. There are real problems both groups need to work on. Real gender issues. Real economic issues. Real health issues. Ect.

But rejects come in looking to use any of those excuses as a way to explain their own romantic failures. Heaven Scamuels gives these types lullabies by using these issues to give these types excuses.

So the reason you are clit repellent isn’t because you have off-putting energy or can’t interact with others—>NOPE. It’s because blk women look masculine and don’t know that they are fat and ugly but have the sheer nerve to still have preferences!

So the reason no chick wants to come to your momma’s crib to suck your meat isn’t because it’s awkward as hell to do so, EVEN though most sociologists say that’s actually the primary factor in why men are having less sex these days—> NOPE it MUST be because these bytches are just awful and chasing after billionaires. Even regular chicks.
He gives a platform to the reject revolution that provides excuses for why these types are the way they are. And it’s all the women’s fault.

The sad part about these types is that they will use any racist rhetoric, any issue, any platform to explain away their social skills deficits. Their inability to hold a positive, fun conversation with the opposite sex. Their inability to clean up after themselves, maintain the basics, make people comfortable in their presence. And then because this minority is so loud with their echo chambers, they become associated with actual normal blacks who ain’t even about this nonsense.

Im literally watching rejects cannibalize the image of black men just like colorists did, just like ignorant hip hop artists did, just like every stereotypical caricature of blackness has done. I’ve seen this happen with blank women too. Where do you think out irritated assertion that “black women aren’t a monolith” comes from? But it’s crazy to watch men go through the same shyt.:weirdo:

And if you speak out against it, legions of rejects rush to insult you to protect Trump Heaven Scamuels. Crazy part is, you can’t blame black women for this one. These are the representatives your brethren have chosen for you.

The saddest part about social reject parasites is that they never find what they are searching for. Heaven Scamuels’ message isn’t new. The early 2000s-2014s were rife with anti-bw advice just like his. From Sergeant Willie Pete to Donovan Sharpe. The black women are ugly, fat, masculine, attitudinal, hair hat, gon be alone tropes are nothing new. It’s rhetoric borrowed from racists to sooth rejects for their inability to fukk in spite of these horrible black women being soooo terrible. :rolleyes:

But in spite of DECADES of this rhetoric, these same losers are STILL nursing chafed dikks, hurt egos, and lonely cribs because focusing on others doesn’t make YOU better. Unfortunately these types still haven’t figured out that blowing a black woman’s candle out, won’t make theirs shine any brighter. After Heaven leaves, another will take his place to profit off the loneliness of these dudes without offering any solutions other than feel good, “break down the bytches” incel porn.

In any case, let him continue. :yeshrug:If anything, just like Trump did, he is shining a MAJOR light on the true nature of the blacks who follow him. Any black woman with sense needs to pay attention to his followers so they can be better discerners. Many are showing you their cards. Move accordingly.

And no that isn’t an invitation to think IR dating is the cure for this.:mjlol: Because I know this dude is just giving all kinds of fuel to the divest community
:stopitslime: Oh well. These types just make shyt worse. The backlash from this shyt is gonna be stupendous but don’t take @booksnrain’s word for it.

I’m just observing. And cringing occasionally...:weirdo: mostly laughing my ass off:laff:...but observing nonetheless.

Cue the reject squad responses:

“FEMINIST bytch!”
“I have her on ignore even though I always get asshurt everytime she posts!”:angry:
Amazing post:salute:

The Solid One

Aug 19, 2015
There’s SO much psychoanalysis for me to dig into. I dunno where to start because watching this shyt unfold has been validating some of the shyt I’ve been saying on this site for years. The fact that some dudes are constantly trying to cape for him...he’s like a black Donald Trump and they are like Trump supporters.

How people don’t see these parallels are beyond me.
The blk men who are A-okay with somebody expressing sentiments like these are that same breed of reject I been telling ya’ll about. The reject revolution is real. And these are completely separate from the other majority of black men.

But rejects are social pariahs and parasites. Left unchecked they latch on to common issues and literally turn every fukking problem we got in our community into why they are too awkward, too weird to get a piece of p*ssy.

Normal black men and black women have normal issues against a backdrop of racism and systematic white supremacy. There are real problems both groups need to work on. Real gender issues. Real economic issues. Real health issues. Ect.

But rejects come in looking to use any of those excuses as a way to explain their own romantic failures. Heaven Scamuels gives these types lullabies by using these issues to give these types excuses.

So the reason you are clit repellent isn’t because you have off-putting energy or can’t interact with others—>NOPE. It’s because blk women look masculine and don’t know that they are fat and ugly but have the sheer nerve to still have preferences!

So the reason no chick wants to come to your momma’s crib to suck your meat isn’t because it’s awkward as hell to do so, EVEN though most sociologists say that’s actually the primary factor in why men are having less sex these days—> NOPE it MUST be because these bytches are just awful and chasing after billionaires. Even regular chicks.
He gives a platform to the reject revolution that provides excuses for why these types are the way they are. And it’s all the women’s fault.

The sad part about these types is that they will use any racist rhetoric, any issue, any platform to explain away their social skills deficits. Their inability to hold a positive, fun conversation with the opposite sex. Their inability to clean up after themselves, maintain the basics, make people comfortable in their presence. And then because this minority is so loud with their echo chambers, they become associated with actual normal blacks who ain’t even about this nonsense.

Im literally watching rejects cannibalize the image of black men just like colorists did, just like ignorant hip hop artists did, just like every stereotypical caricature of blackness has done. I’ve seen this happen with blank women too. Where do you think out irritated assertion that “black women aren’t a monolith” comes from? But it’s crazy to watch men go through the same shyt.:weirdo:

And if you speak out against it, legions of rejects rush to insult you to protect Trump Heaven Scamuels. Crazy part is, you can’t blame black women for this one. These are the representatives your brethren have chosen for you.

The saddest part about social reject parasites is that they never find what they are searching for. Heaven Scamuels’ message isn’t new. The early 2000s-2014s were rife with anti-bw advice just like his. From Sergeant Willie Pete to Donovan Sharpe. The black women are ugly, fat, masculine, attitudinal, hair hat, gon be alone tropes are nothing new. It’s rhetoric borrowed from racists to sooth rejects for their inability to fukk in spite of these horrible black women being soooo terrible. :rolleyes:

But in spite of DECADES of this rhetoric, these same losers are STILL nursing chafed dikks, hurt egos, and lonely cribs because focusing on others doesn’t make YOU better. Unfortunately these types still haven’t figured out that blowing a black woman’s candle out, won’t make theirs shine any brighter. After Heaven leaves, another will take his place to profit off the loneliness of these dudes without offering any solutions other than feel good, “break down the bytches” incel porn.

In any case, let him continue. :yeshrug:If anything, just like Trump did, he is shining a MAJOR light on the true nature of the blacks who follow him. Any black woman with sense needs to pay attention to his followers so they can be better discerners. Many are showing you their cards. Move accordingly.

And no that isn’t an invitation to think IR dating is the cure for this.:mjlol: Because I know this dude is just giving all kinds of fuel to the divest community
:stopitslime: Oh well. These types just make shyt worse. The backlash from this shyt is gonna be stupendous but don’t take @booksnrain’s word for it.

I’m just observing. And cringing occasionally...:weirdo: mostly laughing my ass off:laff:...but observing nonetheless.

Cue the reject squad responses:

“FEMINIST bytch!”
“I have her on ignore even though I always get asshurt everytime she posts!”:angry:
Well said. :clap:


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
@HarlemHottie who has been married for decades agrees with him, my wife also who has been married to me for 14 years.:jbhmm:
Also my mother who has been married over 40 years to my father who is HVM agrees

No offense to the people on this board or in general that were raised without fathers.
I think that's the biggest gripe women have with with him, there not use to a black male authority
Voice speaking the uncut truth because USUALLY, that's was your father's role.
Unfortunately most black people never grew up with that in the household...but kevin's not is not even as harsh as my own father.

But that's what's missing in the black community is the black male authority voice....
Fam you don't even know the person you're caping for personally smfh. Online folks I tell ya. I don't think you're married to a woman fam. I've always said you wild mango but I wouldn't be surprised if you had a partner if you catch my drift.


Mar 24, 2014
Kevin Samuels has said a lot of bullshyt.

He's said black women need to cut their hair short also.

Doesn't mean the things he says about how we need to do better is wrong.

And no I am not cosigning this shyt.

Broadcasting publicly on a loud speaker for the whole world to hear, that Black men think their own Black women are ugly and masculine is not us doing better breh..whether its a personal belief or not.

Then in the same breath turning around and telling those same Black people to do better, is fukking asinine. Dudes an a$$hole for that..typical faq


Nov 5, 2015
Fam you don't even know the person you're caping for personally smfh. Online folks I tell ya. I don't think you're married to a woman fam. I've always said you wild mango but I wouldn't be surprised if you had a partner if you catch my drift.

Well you probably think unicorns are real too..:mjlol:

There's what you think...and then there is what actually happens and what's happened.

For years now, I'm one of the only few who have posted vids, people have seen my whole family, people know and have seen that I'm black, my family is black, my wife is black my kids are black.

But who the fucc are you:ohhh:

We dont know that your black :ohhh:

How do we know your not somebody's little sister setting up troll accounts:ohhh:

Where's your vids:ohhh:

You have absolutely no proof you are who you say you are but trying come at me:mjlol:

I been here since 2015 with the fam, wife an kids
Consistent vids...but I got nicca who is a whole question mark on here trying to question me:rudy:

Fucc out of here:camby: