Black woman reporter quotes study on women being forced to "date down", her male co-workers respond

Belize King

I got concepts of a plan.
Mar 11, 2022

Women dont realize they tell on themselves.

They claim they operate in male dominated fields so with their argument the men on their level out number them…..yet nobody wants them.

There is a reason the only men they can use as the “male voice” are gay men.

Men need to continue to move on and let these chicks rot. I wish dudes were discipline enouhj to protect their seeds because these women are Single mothers by choice thus forcing a child to be brought into this world and be literally prisoners of abuse.

So many people have stockholm syndrome wheee their mother is the source of their trauma but they are conflicted as they assume this is love when the reality is their pain came from her selfishnish and not mythical abusive deadbeat dad

Once male birth control becomes a thing…

Men and women are realizing the game is rigged on both sides. If you as a couple aren’t making 150K+, life is hard.

We as Western society are learning to protect our seeds and eggs. It’s the reckless people who continue to bring life into this world and become a broken household.

Imagine a United States where it is impossible to bring life into this world without marriage. The US would collapse or immigrants would take over.

Black and white people from the millennials on down ain’t bout that married life. If they could only stop having children, the gender wars we stop.

Apollo Creed

Look at your face
Feb 20, 2014
Handsome Boyz Ent

Once male birth control becomes a thing…

Men and women are realizing the game is rigged on both sides. If you as a couple aren’t making 150K+, life is hard.

We as Western society are learning to protect our seeds and eggs. It’s the reckless people who continue to bring life into this world and become a broken household.

Imagine a United States where it is impossible to bring life into this world without marriage. The US would collapse or immigrants would take over.

Black and white people from the millennials on down ain’t bout that married life. If they could only stop having children, the gender wars we stop.

the issue with male birth control is most men aint getting sex BUT it will at least help the minority men who become targets.

We need to reshape Family Law + Streamline Surrogacy for Men who "want to be single fathers by choice" the same way we have IVF + Sperm Banks.

If you make it where MEN can equally enter parent hood with complete control the way a woman can you will see a MAJOR cultural shift. It kills the incentives for what is going on now.

When you talk "equality" in an unleveled playing field it never ends well.


Sep 5, 2013
even if she was making more money the man is exclusively expected to use his to finance the entire relationship while there’s no expectation on the other end
Yeah and we’re not doing that.

Not gonna stowaway on the ship. You gotta buy a ticket.

Apollo Creed

Look at your face
Feb 20, 2014
Handsome Boyz Ent
In my 20s, from 21-26, majority of the women I dated was highly educated Bachelors, Masters, PhD, etc etc

They are one of the most full of shyt women out there when it comes to their dating and life choices :deadrose: :dead:

when you get older you realize they are all the same and it boils down to them getting free reign to destroy themselves. Education doesn't matter because for every PHD you can find a normal humble chick who works a regular job BUT did not have the luxury to destroy herself due to things such as having to take on certain respobilities early that kept her busy. But best believe when women have time to be "bored" this is when the "spirits" start talking to them to destroy themselves :russ: :mjlol:

whether it be sex, drugs, or literally breaking up a family the moment they are bored the spirits get em.


High Value Poster
Jul 18, 2018
The media will have you believe there are all these successful black women walking around but it’s a farce. Where are these women at? They not doing any better than black men financially, if anything they doing worse
It’s all a facade. Look through r/layoffs, r/poor, and r/povertyfinance and you’ll see how down bad a lot of men and women are. Yet somehow black women(who are statistically the poorest) are balling out, going to brunches, and traveling 24/7. :jbhmm:

Apollo Creed

Look at your face
Feb 20, 2014
Handsome Boyz Ent
It’s all a facade. Look through r/layoffs, r/poor, and r/povertyfinance and you’ll see how down bad a lot of men and women are. Yet somehow black women(who are statistically the poorest) are balling out, going to brunches, and traveling 24/7. :jbhmm:

exactly breh. Online nobody wants to talk about how bad black people are doing but the stats say otherwise. When you talk to all these "Ball out" "Boss chicks" you end up meeting some of the most miserable and depressed people ever.

All the parties, abusing alcohol/food/drugs, the weird use of pets to replace human companionship. The thing is due to the arrogant facade the put on you can't even feel bad for them, they are getting what they wanted. And once again while this shyt is spreading to other groups, the women in other groups will continue to be societal outcast (who of course will make their way to black people for acceptance like all societal outcast do) while Black people continue to be destroyed from it.


Oct 15, 2015
It’s all a facade. Look through r/layoffs, r/poor, and r/povertyfinance and you’ll see how down bad a lot of men and women are. Yet somehow black women(who are statistically the poorest) are balling out, going to brunches, and traveling 24/7. :jbhmm:

I am not sure why so many people fall for these influencer/look at me boss/girlboss ducktales

Many of these trips are paid for by somebody else, on credit or sponsored
Dec 19, 2017
There are plenty of successful men out there. I think it's easier for certain types of women to claim they can't find a man than to admit the men they want aren't interested in them. A lot of successful men get into relationships relatively early, often with women they went to college with. If you're a lawyer today you were in college for 5+ years and odds are started dating someone in law school, or something similar. That's why lawyers marry attorneys, doctors marry engineers, etc. Successful men tend to marry success women in America, that's pretty standard according to the marriage data we have.

A lot of women, specifically white (and Asian/Indian/Arab) women, go to college in large part to find a husband. That nursing/teaching/etc pipeline of white women who end up marrying doctors and CPAs is very real. But the marriage happens while those men are in med school, business school, etc. That's where you get the phenomena of men who are on their wife's insurance plan while they don't take out any benefits at work until they hit a certain promotion; nurses and teachers often have really good health insurance through their jobs.

Point being...the women who run the race alongside the man tend to win. The women who stand at the finish line expecting to pick winners have less success unless they are just elite tier. And clearly the woman in that video isn't close to elite tier.

There's also the element of broken homes. A lot of our daughters grow up without men in the home...whether it's mutual from the parents or whatever....the point is that they develop a need to be self sufficient. Their moms, sisters etc., have troubled relationships and the ladies decide that they don't want their fortunes tied to a man.

That's not a bad mentality to have but it comes with tradeoffs. You gain independence but in the process, are 'out-competed' for mates by women willing to settle in earlier.

Lots of sistas find good men. The ones that complain usually have expectations that are incongruent with reality. You have a Masters degree and make $125k/year. No debt and a cozy life.'re a "5" in looks. Nothing is wrong with you but you're average looking. Now you want a man that's better looking with similar money/education etc. He likes the fact you have your own shyt...but he makes even MORE money than you. He doesn't need what you're offering. He can either be a pleighboi or marry a woman wayyyyyy finer. More likely he's already taken.

Men understand the tradeoff between looks and education/wealth etc. Women want the sexy guy to have the nerd's credentials and bank account....but those guys either get snatched early or they never settle.
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Apollo Creed

Look at your face
Feb 20, 2014
Handsome Boyz Ent

There's also the element of broken homes. A lot of our daughters grow up without men in the home...whether it's mutual from the parents or whatever....the point is that they develop a need to be self sufficient. Their moms, sisters etc., have troubled relationships and the ladies decide that they don't want their fortunes tied to a man.

That's not a bad mentality to have but it comes with tradeoffs. You gain independence but in the process, are 'out-competed' for mates by women willing to settle in earlier.

Lots of sistas find good men. The ones that complain usually have expectations that are incongruent with reality. You have a Masters degree and make $125k/year. No debt and a cozy life.'re a "5" in looks. Nothing is wrong with you but you're average looking. Now you want a man that's better looking with similar money/education etc. He likes the fact you have your own shyt...but he makes even MORE money than you. He doesn't need what you're offering. He can either be a pleighboi or marry a woman wayyyyyy finer. More likely he's already taken.

There is a difference between being a COMPETENT ADULT, and the psycho shyt going on.

The issue also is the therapy framework is rooted in feminism so if anything it doesnt even solve the problems but more so keeps chicks paying for a false sense of progress because lotta these folks are in therapy and are not any better.