If you would have some users tell it on these forums, that black people need to focus on Donald Trump while everyday a new murder of a black person hits the news. Disgusting.Snatching women out of there cars assaulting then arresting them, then murdering them while in jail. . Didn't a guy just get snatched off a horse and strangled to death for NO reason just the other day. A terrorist attack on a black church by white supremacist. A bunch of churches then burned down the following week. and there is literally 0 urgency from black men (generally) to do anything about this shyt we literally have a new thread like this every couplr days that gets stickied like it's normal.
(This person killed themselves, GTFOH)
This was a killing to stop the social media movements online. Black people I'm sorry but they are looking at your social media and what you are saying. How can someone who's so active in the movement against police bruality then ends up dead in a cell? The Sherriff already got fired for racism and burality and was RE-HIRED. They killed her and hung her in her cell. Ironically today is the anniversary of Ida B. Wells who fought against Lynchings. It all comes full circle. I'm sorry but as much as I'm against viloence Riots will probably happen. They are getting beyond bold and no justice are being served. Police are STILL covering for these killers so they are all GUILTY. There are no GOOD COPS if they don't hold the bad ones accountable. Texas was and still is a RACIST STATE. I been to Dallas, I have friends that live there. I know the stories.
Black female lives matter. Y'all don't hear me though.
Snatching women out of there cars assaulting then arresting them, then murdering them while in jail. . Didn't a guy just get snatched off a horse and strangled to death for NO reason just the other day. A terrorist attack on a black church by white supremacist. A bunch of churches then burned down the following week. and there is literally 0 urgency from black men (generally) to do anything about this shyt we literally have a new thread like this every couplr days that gets stickied like it's normal.
Black female lives matter too.Let's not make this into a gender issue between black men and black women. Black lives matter, period.
This woman was killed because of her race, not her gender. Shame on anyone who makes this into a reason to divide black people along gender lines when black need to be on code under the guise of black empowerment. Not saying that's you, but we must be careful with how we use our words in emotionally charged times such as these.
It's been real out here. And black people are experiencing the antecedent to ethnic cleansing.
They don't hear us bruh. Different breed. WHERE IS HER FAMILY???!!!! None of them on Facebook? The fukk man. If she has children and they haven't spoke yet they aint about shyt.Have they checked her body for signs of assault, including sexual assault?
Until family members start dishing out justice, murdering these racist cops and their families, nothings going to happen.
My moms...I just have to forfeit the rest of my life. My daughter...same deal. It would go down in history...promise you that!
Have they checked her body for signs of assault, including sexual assault?
Until family members start dishing out justice, murdering these racist cops and their families, nothings going to happen.
My moms...I just have to forfeit the rest of my life. My daughter...same deal. It would go down in history...promise you that!