Check out her arrest video, this is for a routine traffic stop for not singaling. Look how they handled her:
Then 3 days later she's "Hung" in her cell? After getting a new job that she was about to start? HELL NO. These White Supremeist are beyond bold at this point. It's straight "Order 66" on Black People right now. These sleeper cells have been activated. For my non-Star Wars heads, "Order 66" was an order to kill all the Jedi. Also her social media is profile is filled with "Blacklivesmatter" and videos against police bruatility. They tried to say "She assulted a Cop" then randonally kills herself? Nope makes no sense. Also how are so quick to say "It's suicide" but now they are saying "We are investigating". B.S.
When the cop tells him to leave, u don't have to right?... U just got to be a certain amount of feet away from the scene right?