Sly Cookin
Stay tuned coli fam, we getting more footage

It's not about the DOJ as much as it's about getting it out of the Police hands. The only way we will ever get justice is by an independent investigation. Police can not be trusted to investigate themselves. I know the DOJ is B.S. cause they didn't bring charges on Zimmerb!tch or in the Mike Brown case. But in both of those cases the police did the investigation first before the DOJ came in. As long as police continue to investigate themselves we can't expect them to find themselves guilty.
Oh I agree with what you are saying totally. My point is that these organizations keep doing that mess because the DOJ aren't gonna come down hard on them.
shyt is prolly fake but wow if it isn't
It's not about the DOJ as much as it's about getting it out of the Police hands. The only way we will ever get justice is by an independent investigation. Police can not be trusted to investigate themselves. I know the DOJ is B.S. cause they didn't bring charges on Zimmerb!tch or in the Mike Brown case. But in both of those cases the police did the investigation first before the DOJ came in. As long as police continue to investigate themselves we can't expect them to find themselves guilty.
No I feel you. But they brought down charges on the Rodney King case remember the Police let all the cops off, then the Riots popped off then the DOJ brought charges. What's happening is they are covering up all the evidence and using Grand Juries to let these cops off. Again I don't even care about the DOJ but as Black people we have to understand the Police have a system in place to make sure they are never found guilty for anything. Until these cops are punished harshly and the "The Sheild" is taking down where other cops that stand by and do nothing are punished as well none of this will stop. It's only going to get worst. They are killing us at Traffic Stops, on the way to the holding cell, in the holding cell It beyond ridiculous at this point.
I dont know if this was posted but Black men are protesting outside this cop's house. I hope that would shut these bitter feminists and wenches up about black men arent protecting or standing by our women. This show that Sandra was our sister and we will not stand idle if justice wasnt served. We got your back.