Red Shield
Global Domination
It is but I didn't choose this reality as a American decendant. This is the reality that my ancenstors died for. Also there is no "Running" away from this. White Supremecy is global. In Haiti, they didn't run, they fought back and won. Going to Asia, Going to Europe is going to make Black people lives better? No. I agree we should be looking at Africa but the White Supremecist did a number on Africa as well. They worked, they fought in all the wars, they were slaves, they were tortured and killed.
We need to fight and hold our ground on the land they died on. This isn't about being with "White Daddy" or "White Master". This is about getting what's rightfully ours. This is a multi-Billion Country that the wealth was never passed down to Blacks. This is the first time I agree with people saying Blacks might need to be given their own seperate land. It's owed to us anyway from 40 acres and a mule. I mean when they start abusing and killing our women and getting off you know what time it is. The Good Ol' Boys aren't going to hold themselves acountable. They said Sandra "Assulted Them" when we know that's a lie. They killed her in cold blood.
For 90% of AA's you are right, there will be no running away from this.