“I've been Black a long time. I don't know of any Black people that I've been with, in politics, who are comfortable with socialism,” said Clyburn in an interview with Yahoo Finance on Monday.
“I don't know of a single African-American that wants to defund the police,” said Clyburn. “And they tell me that's not what they mean when they're saying it. Well, soundbites kill you. If that’s not what you mean, don’t say it.”
“John Lewis and I were in the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee. We were doing great work. All of a sudden we woke up one day [and] “burn Baby burn” was the big slogan,” said Clyburn. “It destroyed our efforts and I saw the same thing happening to Black Lives Matter when it comes to defund the police. Nobody wants to defund the police.”
The “burn baby burn” slogan is associated with riots in the 1960s, when people set cars and businesses on fire.
“Georgia was a mecca of the so-called non-violent movement. Martin Luther King Jr., John Lewis — they were all right there in Georgia,” said Clyburn. “That’s what killed us. Sloganeering killed us back then. I hope we don't allow sloganeering kill us today. If you're going to win those seats in Georgia, we're going to have to connect with voters and you will not connect with Southern voters with defund the police hanging over your head.”