They did build something substantial but it was taken over by people with guns. If it wasn’t substantial than there would be little evidence that they were there. There’s civilizations that exist today that have been living the same way for 1,000s of years basically farming and hunting and gatheringThey prospered yet were wiped out in the Dominican Republic, USA, and many places by European savages. They prospered yet could never build anything substantial in North America other than farming? THere's a reason the USA mines for other countries resources like oil to bring them back here.
Y'all the only ones that keep bringing up white people. If black people came here and set up shop for thousands of years, their DNA would have changed as they would have adapted to the new environment, like Aboriginal Australians.
What reason a Mansa Musa would have to send people here to set up a colony when he has everything in the richest continent on Earth?
Maybe Mansa Musa just wanted to see what else was out in the world