This is complete and utter nonsense, ignorant and incredibly offensive. Like the Republican party doesn't cater to groups like Vets, older people, the rich and the Christian right.
Low taxes, defense spending (opposite of small govt. btw) and laws touting "religious freedom" aren't about making their lives better right?
Gays, Blacks and Union members don't vote Republican because of Republican ideology (bad on civil rights, disenfranchisement of black people, laws against gay marriage, dissolving unions etc). Just because you don't agree with liberal ideology doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
The fact that you bring up pregnant teens is just evidence of how twisted this line of thinking is. WTF would you mention pregnant teens? They don't vote! Not to mention teen pregnancy is at a historically low level thanks in part to liberal/progressive policies like sex education and contraception programs.
GTFO with this people only
vote Democratic because they want stuff bs.