you dont have the authority to speak for all black people
I'm not. Just stating facts. Beside a few people like you, I don't see black people foaming at the mouth over immigration. Most are ambivalent. It's defintely not the priority black issue.
if you dont care about immigration and you think its xenophobic to control immigration, thats just your opinion but there area lot of black people that are concerned about an influx of cheap labor and this pandering toward latino issues being made by the democratic party
Obviously if they did, they would be a lot more vocal.
a lot of black people agree that charters schools and vouchers are the way to reform the education system and do not agree that union jobs for teachers is the primary issue that should be guiding education reform
Again, it's not evidenced in the way they vote.
and i have a problem with putting black issues as simply one in a long list issues, what happens is what you see now, blacks are being used as a political base to address issues of "Latinos, Jews, Asians, Gays, Muslims, the Non-Religious and else they deem as the other", the democratic party assumes black people will vote democrat no matter what so they go out and try to address other people's issues that may not be so loyally democratic
not all black people are down with the democratic vision, and for those black people voting republican is an option
I really don't know what the fukk you are rambling about here. All I was saying minorities feel more welcome in the Democratic Party.