First off.. The CIA had more to do with X death than the NOI did. They didn't kill him because he was hurting the NOI business.. if they did kill him ( w help from others) then it was because he was getting too radical and no longer wanted to participate in the mission of the people who turned him into what he was in the first place. It's not like X was revolutionary before he was in jail. He was part of the lost. Drugs, Pawgs, and destruction of black people was his life before the NOI. He did like many brothers do when they first get the knowledge.. they want everyone to go "ham" and the NOI felt there was a time and a place for everything so they put him out. Plus he knew the entire time about Elijah smashing those young broards,, everyone knew. He only choose to mention it when the heat was on him, and they also felt like that was a bad move.
We can't discredit the NOI for everything they did wrong. The group was made of people and not made up of Divine beings. They did soo much for black people and members in that group today are some of the few black people who make individual contributions the help our youth and causes. They were some of the main people in the 50's creating black business and encouraging the whole concept of self reliance. So what's the point of dividing ourselves further and hating on them???? Most of their hate towards other black groups, the creation of the paramiltary branch, and the isolation was sparked and developed by Malcolm himself - so why hate on them for some of the sh1t they allowed X to create.
And about Khalid Mohammed , smh. I like dude because he was bout it. I like him because he made the message (that he got from the NOI!!!) more urban and understandable to black youth. besides that, he had lil kids in the Tri state damn near worshiping him. Some sleep outside his home. they called him Allah, and he was a human just like Elijah, and just like everyone else. NTM, do you know what was found on him upon his death. I'm not gonna even put it out there because haters could be reading... but let's not act like righteous people never sell out to the EXTREME breah.
Let not forget the mental impact that the NOI had on black people, their message was revolutionary for it's time. They weren't the only ones, but they were one of the main reasons we decided to realize our humanity in the first place. They were the Main ones that wanted us to stop living lives of filth and destruction.
It's funny to me when people and groups who are only here and only have knowledge partly because of the efforts of the NOI - being the main ones (not even White people) dissing the NOI.
Nation of Islam is an organization I cannot respect, because it is a business taking advantage of the beating down black man looking for hope. I recognize Christianity and Islam as a hostile force against black people.
Malcolm took to them because like a lot of brothers in the hood today they are looking for HOPE. They are lost, and only need a mission. They pray upon brothers because they know the yearn for something better.
Malcolm really believed that shyt they were feeding him, so he went all out.
I respect Malcolm not for his belief in Islam, or the so called knowledge he got from NOI but his dedication to his people. I respect him because he had real plans, he had solutions not just rhetoric. He took the platform the NOI gave him and took it to a whole other level.
He was a real leader. Elijah Mohammed was a business man the same as Farrakhan. The same as any other organized religion. It's about being righteous, or holy, is not about messing around with young girls, it's about the agenda when it comes down to it. Farrakhan still alive, because he's not a threat and is more than likely involved with government organizations in some shape or form.
What is the NOI doing for the black community other than getting money from its members like any other church?
Far as Khalid Mohammed, I don't know what was found on him, doesn't matter to me, all I know was he was a man of action.
We as people have to get away from religion, raise these babies up on the true history of black people, leave Jesus out of our lives, let the arabs pray to Allah, and get back to African history we never believed in any of that shyt it ain't for us.