JahFocus CS
Get It How You Get It
Lets not play fast and loose with the word "slave"
Cause we don't have slavery right now. Debt-slavery shouldn't even be a word because it makes actual slavery look less immoral and profound.
And interest in Islam DOES happen. They use loopholes to sell the asset back at a higher price to essentially make more of a profit on the loan. They have all sorts of ways around it.
The history of debt slavery goes back to at least ancient times. Chattel slavery (the sort that jumpstarted modern capitalism and was closely linked to it in the 1800s) was significantly different in its features from other forms of slavery around the world and in different time periods. There isn't just one type of slavery.
You're right, people in the Muslim world do find ways around the prohibition of riba. That shows that material realities trump ideas when push comes to shove, and ideas reflect or respond to some aspect of material reality. The Muslim bourgeoisie has gotten quite creative with their workarounds and the financial instruments they've created to lessen their cognitive dissonance