
Jun 8, 2012
It is true that, theoretically, capitalism doesn't require white supremacy. However, given the historical development of capitalism and the circumstances of its birth, it is inextricably bound up with white supremacy in the world that we live in.
and that ladies and gentlemen was all i was saying. if i was a white guy on the other side of this thing. I would play along with Dead and the others. But since i actually have to deal in the real world. no thanks. Enough with the theory's and lecture hall. Time to get out there and find out whats really going on. And we know the answer to that question.


I started this gangsta sh-
Jan 31, 2014
The concept of race itself developed to divide the working class and aid in the process of primitive accumulation of capital. Capitalism benefits some Blacks, namely, those in the ruling class. However, the masses of Afrikans are working class and, thanks to racism, experience a type of superexploitation, sacrificed at the altar of capital with the assent of working class whites due to racism. Other people of Color also face the same or similar circumstances. But anti-Black racism and exploitation is a key component of the U.S. and world order and historical development.

If you ask the question, what economic system benefits the masses of Afrikans -- and the masses are overwhelmingly working class, not bourgeois -- then the answer would be socialism, i.e. worker control of the means of production. The answer would be the same for every "what economic system benefits the masses of __________________," because every ethnic group/nation/race/country/whatever has class cleavages which are the real determinants of people's livelihoods, quality of life, etc., and the masses of all of these groups are all working class.

The answer to the question "what economic system benefits the masses of blacks" is Anarchy.

In any model where the established system is exclusionary and exploitive to a particular group, it is not in that groups best interest to negotiate within the rules of that system, but simply to topple it, kill its leadership, and kill or imprison its champions.
This is the only historic model proven to work. Ever.
It is used all the time. Anyone paying paying attention just watched the US take over Egypt by simply murdering its leadership, then its resistance. Now its done, and all opinions of it are irrelevant. Its happened.

Thats why I think the Palestineans have lost all sight of what their correct course should be.
They are worried about the israelis building houses on their land. That only matters as long as they suplicate.
When their unified goal becomes the erasure of their oppressors, they can simply live in the houses the settlers built after they murder them.

There is no real debate historical as to what works and what does not.

Whites are #inherently evil.
Wearing a suit and tie to impress them is bafoonery of the highest order.
Chomski, Watski, Hawking, as far back as Tsun Zu... there is no great debate. They are in agreement with history that the only thing that ever evokes change is violent direct action or threat of it. Ever.
Jan 26, 2015
You know the sister's video I'm going to post will go more in depth also.

But its a clear cut explanation imo. We don't mix with Capitalism, it is a slave system set up off of slavery and basically is slavery by another name. Capitalism's cover story is that it is a social system based on the principle of individual rights, that infuse energy via production resulting in a free market, which for Black people also is a warning and hint as to why this wasn't, is not and will not be something that we can employ while being integrated with a cac colony. The fact that their "Wall Street" was not only built by an actual slave force and where our ancestors are buried beneath, but we were first sold as the first market of Wall street, yet we are still treated like second class citizens socially and economically, and have not been paid our reparations, should tell you why and how this system was created in the first place and why we need a Black nation to ourselves to set up our own system for our people.

Now i'll post the sister's video I've known for some years and her explanation also below, but lets discuss this in a rational and intelligent manner if possible....:mjpls:

In the current global capitalist system, money talks. You do not have a say unless you can show the cash. This stands to reason why black people have no say. Hundreds of years of oppression in the forms of slavery, colonization and neo-colonialism have continued to rob black people of their wealth. So i can see why black people would believe that to acquire mass amounts of money would change something. I hate to break it to you capitalist but that wont happen. Oh sure two or three or even a hundred of you will make some money, but if black people all over the world started to organize and practice self determination in their communities, in this current system, those communities would be targeted and dismantled.

Capitalism means we (Africans) can only exists as workers or as poor miserable masses.

Capitalism seeks out the weakest of us (government officials, cia and fbi agents etc) to sell out our communities, for notoriety or profit. This is how it happened during slavery, colonialsm, neo-colonialism, black revolution of the 60's, 70's and 80's and today.

Onixisis: a member of the African People's Socialist Party (APSP) which means I am an African Internationalist.


I agree...capitalism is one of the most effective tools of the white power structure


May 1, 2012
I remember her. We agree on a few other issues but not this and some of the more recent topics she's done (not recent-recent, I haven't checked her channel lately).


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
If we get to the time of technological convenience where resources can be made so one wouldnt have to work anymore I wonder how capitalism would still exist.

Billy Hoyle

All Star
Dec 5, 2014
no system is perfect.

there is nothing inherently wrong with capitalism, just the greedy people that exploit it at the expense of others.

The inherent wrong in capitalism is that it creates exploitation and rewards the greedy.

Competition is the great driver of men and capitalism is the best system that we've created to exploit that urge to compete. However, capitalism also thwarts competition when it becomes too lopsided (monopolies), which is where regulations and government have to step in to balance the scale.

But the bottom line is that capitalism is built on scarcity. There HAS to be a lower class willing to do the bullshyt jobs for little pay for the system to work. I'm not sure how any black person could be in favor of that system given the fact that white people basically had a 300 year head start to hoard all the capital in their favor.