The concept of race itself developed to divide the working class and aid in the process of primitive accumulation of capital. Capitalism benefits some Blacks, namely, those in the ruling class. However, the masses of Afrikans are working class and, thanks to racism, experience a type of superexploitation, sacrificed at the altar of capital with the assent of working class whites due to racism. Other people of Color also face the same or similar circumstances. But anti-Black racism and exploitation is a key component of the U.S. and world order and historical development.
If you ask the question, what economic system benefits the masses of Afrikans -- and the masses are overwhelmingly working class, not bourgeois -- then the answer would be socialism, i.e. worker control of the means of production. The answer would be the same for every "what economic system benefits the masses of __________________," because every ethnic group/nation/race/country/whatever has class cleavages which are the real determinants of people's livelihoods, quality of life, etc., and the masses of all of these groups are all working class.
The answer to the question "what economic system benefits the masses of blacks" is
In any model where the established system is exclusionary and exploitive to a particular group, it is not in that groups
best interest to negotiate within the rules of that system, but simply to topple it, kill its leadership, and kill or imprison its champions.
This is the only historic model proven to work. Ever.
It is used all the time. Anyone paying paying attention just watched the US take over Egypt by simply murdering its leadership, then its resistance. Now its done, and all opinions of it are irrelevant. Its happened.
Thats why I think the Palestineans have lost all sight of what their correct course should be.
They are worried about the israelis building houses on their land. That only matters as long as they suplicate.
When their unified goal becomes the erasure of their oppressors, they can simply live in the houses the settlers built after they murder them.
There is no real debate historical as to what works and what does not.
Whites are #inherently evil.
Wearing a suit and tie to impress them is bafoonery of the highest order.
Chomski, Watski, Hawking, as far back as Tsun Zu... there is no great debate. They are in agreement with history that the only thing that ever evokes change is violent direct action or threat of it. Ever.