this is about who would win in a fight, not who is smarterand funny how you post a scan with Tony not in his armor
Iron Man is clearly not trying to fight BPAnd BP gets to complete a surprise attack first but we're not mentioning that are we
You guys don't even read the scans or care about the contextThis is why I hate comic threads on the Coli
People posting scans from the 50's of Thanos getting arrested by the cops and accepting it because "the author wrote it so it must be true"
Iron Man is literally trying to stop the fight WHILE HE HAS THE ADVANTAGE AND IS CHOKING BLACK PANTHER OUT
Breh for real I'm not even trying to fukk with you but can't you see Tony is clearly trying to talk to T'Challa instead of fighting
BP didn't get the edge until Iron Man tried telling him to get get coffee and talk things out
Tony literally says he was underestimating BP and not fighting full strength
Tony's armor can stop nukes at 2% power
Nothing BP has will damage him. Tony can fly faster than the speed of sound can lift cars with no problem, and his armor has more firepower than a fighter jet
I don't pay attention to the Tony/Panther fights. But they had him punk Tony on the cartoon They had him punk the FF on their cartoon too.