he wanted to destroy the system of white supremacy and establish a system of black supremacy. However, we are supposed to look at him as an extremist lunatic and at the end T'challa wins and gives a Martin Luther king esque love to the world bullshyt speak while we still have the foot of white supremacy on our neck. the white man won't even let us win in a fictional universe.
He wasn't no extremist lunatic. He was a brilliant, passionate, driven person who cared about his people and injustice and had rational, thought-out reasons for doing the shyt he did. Look at how many people are identifying with him - they obviously made him a broader fleshed-out character than you implying.
The issue was that his plan was the
exact same plan that we seen before - England's plan, Germany's plan, America's plan, etc. - and it leads to death and destruction for everyone. You making it out like you WANT his kind of Black supremacy. Ask yourself this - do you like how White Supremacists act? Like how they think? Like the kind of people they are? Do you think that White Supremacy is even good for White Supremacists, or does it just make them into rotten, ugly, caricatures of humanity?
T'Challa is demonstrating Wakandan supremacy, but it's a kind of supremacy that heals, rather than destroys, and allows his people to both keep their humanity in the process and spread it to others. T'Challa's supremacy isn't any less powerful than Killmonger's - the Wadandans are still the supreme civilization in the end, but they gonna spread it in a way that brings goodness to the people rather than war.
Think about this. You that boy on the Oakland courts in that ending sequence. You have a choice behind two doors.
Door #1: You get education, cultural, technology centers in your community run by incredible Black people. You get fly technology like nothing you've ever seen. You are engaged with people who really care deeply about your well-being and are looking to your uplift. You see an African nation rise up as the pinnacle of excellence and the envy of the world, a nation that shows the entire world how to really do things, one that can dramatically counter the economic, educational, and social domination of White Supremacy without becoming just like it.
Door #2: You get war. You get amazing weapons with which to fight that war, but at the same time you have 3/4 of the global population opposing you (including all those Avengers and the entire American military machine). Your neighborhood will burn to the ground, your friends and family will die. You may win the war at the end, maybe you'll have power, but you'll be ruling over a burned and broken world and every other "winner" ruling alongside you gonna be fukked up as hell.
Which door you really want?