you do know that generational wealth is literally a person creating wealth and then... passing it down to the next generation right you confused dumbasses. Like it’s not something that just happens, actions have to be taken for it to happen.
Same with generational opportunity .
Ryan Coogler was poor and homeless, likely because his parents were poor, (like most people who are poor)
Through hard work, he is no longer poor, which means his children will not be poor, which is generational wealth. There are other means of gen. Wealth and opportunity besides creating businesses which is the go to argument for faux militants. Entrepreneurship is one way to create wealth, but not the only way. Fact is most people, regardless of race DO NOT OWN BUSINESSES.
His working for marvel and his other films means that he passes down (one day) a black director to also get the same opportunities he did.
The same way Denzel Washington and Will Smith paved a way for Michael B Jordan who eats directly off of work that Sidney Poitier put in, in old Hollywood, as did Washington and Will Smith.
Is that so hard to understand? It has to be created.
If you were poor, and you are not now, your children will not be (for their childhood)
Create wealth and opportunity by bettering your situation. Don’t complain, just work
The cast of BP, are all creating future opportunity for blacks And I’m sure for their families