Black Panther is not a symbol of pro-blackness

Concerning VIolence

May 26, 2015
the belly of the empire
Milestone isn't owned by DC.

Per wiki
Publishing deal
Although Milestone comics were published through DC Comics, they did not fall under DC Comics' editorial control; DC retained only the right not to publish any material they objected to. Milestone Media retained the copyright of their properties and had the final say on all merchandising and licensing deals pertaining to them. In essence, DC licensed the characters, editorial services, and creative content of the Milestone books for an annual fee and a share of the profits.[4] Dwayne McDuffie said that DC held up this agreement even though some of Milestone's storylines made them "very uncomfortable" as they were from perspectives that DC weren't used to.[5] The biggest conflict they had was when an issue of Static showed the hero kissing his girlfriend on a bed, with unopened condoms visible. DC didn't want to publish this cover on grounds that it was using sex to sell comics; Milestone covered most of the image as a compromise. McDuffie believed it made DC uncomfortable because it was specifically "black sexuality".[6]

Milestone was criticized by several black independent companies and creators for their DC deal, claiming that Milestone Media was compromising itself by working with a "white" company like DC Comics and was being used by DC to undermine independent black companies.[

Milestone needs to go through DC to get any traction.

what's "pro-black" about that according to @Rainman?

Black Panther

Long Live The King
Nov 20, 2016
The irony of you champing Milestone when they were OWNED by DC (aka CACS) and subsequently never given a fukk about. :russ:

Milestone was the abused and forgotten stepson.

DC CACS let Milestone die. They never gave a shyt about it characters and the ruined the ones they pretended to care about (Static).

Static is owned by DC yet you want to champion it.

Millstone is not owned by DC.

They have (had?) a unique publishing deal. Millstone characters can appear in DC'S main continuity but the character rights are retained by Milestone Media.

When you look at how the deal was done, it's pretty ingenious. :panthersafe:

OP is still whining about nothing, tho. :bpumad:


Sep 12, 2015
when i saw the elder male wit the lip plate i knew it some bullshyt...

cuz thats something that was forced on african women to make em unattractive to arab invaders...

so they wouldnt be kidnapped as sex slaves... now they got us believing its something to be proud of...

let cacs tell yo history brehs...
More on this?


May 1, 2014
More on this?

The People of the Lipplates

In South East Chad and close areas in Central African Republic, live the Sara people and their 12 tribes count with almost 30 % of Chad's population and 10 % of CRA population ( in total more than 3 millions). These people are also related with Surma, Nubians or Massai.

But they are deeply agricultural. They settled there in the 16th century running away from the Nile area because of the Arab raids.

Sara women put the lipplates in both their lips (upper and lower) (photo) to make themselves unattractive to Arab slave raiders. Nowadays, this habit has disappeared amongst this population.

In the mountains of South West Ethiopia, at over 800 m on 45 square km, lives a tribe of 2500 semi nomads called Surma. Surma are related to the Nubians and to the well known Massai tribe from Kenya and Tanzania.

Like Massai, they are largely pastoralists, and put a high value on cattle but they also plant maize, millet and sorghum. Surma are warriors, implicated in local conflicts with their enemy tribes, Bumi and Dizi (distantly related to Somali people). Annually, Suma people organize a warrior rite called donga, of stick fighting. But what really captures the attention of a foreigner are the lipplates and the habit of body painting.

The lipplates are worn only by women. While chatting, the tribe's women can remove the plates, but this only in the absence of the men.

The goal of the young girls is to wear a larger plate. The larger the plate, the bigger is the number of cattle which the parents can pretend as dowry. The origin of this habit is very ancient. For the biggest plates, up to 5 inches in diameter, the parents can ask more than 50 cattle. The plates are colored using red and black powder; after drying, the plate is burned for 20 minutes.

Inserting the plate in the lower lip, a very painful process and which can provoke infections, takes place when the girl is 20 years old, prior to marriage. After the lip's perforation, a small disc is introduced. During one year, it is progressively replaced by larger discs. The present clay plates replaced the more primitive wooden plates which were trapezoidal.

Another custom concerns the teenage girls. They must wear an iron pinafore which can weigh more than 4.5 kg (appreciatively 10 pounds). They will have to stand non stop this burden till the marriage.


May 1, 2014
This is arguable,melanated women and men have had lip plates in africa and south america. We have to be careful with stating woke theories like these as facts as well,it goes right in with sagging came from prison fags theory:mjlol:? a horrible attempt to scare nikkas into pulling our pants up.

The lip plate is still done today by women and men,and is seen as a sign of beauty and right of passage,So i assume they would know better than we do and know their own cultural history. If it was to stop invaders,the men wouldn't be doing it,and men aint disfiguring their own women for 1000's of years continuously because they think invaders MIGHT show up.

I have to call this one a myth,at least in regards to saying all tribes do it for that reason. The property is in good hands with Coogler who is responsible.

i dunno of any men doing it in africa....

only source i could find on men was in brazil....

The People of the Lipplates

The only other population known to use lipplate are Suya people of Brazil. This fast disappearing tribe only comprises today 196 members. In Suya, only men wear wooden lipplates (photo)and also disc earrings like Sura women. Theirs discs lengthen the circumference of their lips to between 7 to 8 centimeters. These rituals begin when boys reach puberty and, of course, are realized in order to increase their attractiveness.


Jun 26, 2015
people think because you white names attached to black characters, it has to be white