After listening to this video, it's kinda hard to comment on it. Those problems don't really sound geared towards Black men only. Anyway, they seem to be saying certain men are tired of tryna be there for everybody. It sounds like these are Black men who did what they thought was right, got the house, wife, kids, hobbies (such as going to events), but not really feeling no satisfaction, and feel worn out. Those issues may sound petty to somebody out her struggling financially, and can't afford housing, etc.., but when you have the Huxable family or Brady family life, and still feel empty or unfulfilled, to the point you no longer know why you're going to work everyday, then I guess that can be a very dark place. It's just that these brothers happen to be Black.
As far as race, he started of talking about how White boys get it in, and enjoy life with these hobbies. He indicated that gives them an outlet. But in reality, an outlet doesn't necessary have to be a hobby, not the way most people view hobbies. I notice he couldn't name but one of their hobbies right off bat, which was game hunting, which decends from figures. A lot of brothers do go on fishing trips, but hunting dear, lion, and bear heads, and hanging them over the fire place, nah, they can have that. We have much better ways of getting it in, if we don't focus so much on what they do. All that other stuff those White boys do, can get you messed up quick. And if you do it with them, you better hope they don't make an accident outta you. The average Black person should be satisfied with a little traveling here and there, a few concerts or a movie here and there, and a amusment park ride once in a while, if they don't get crazy with it. As a matter of fact, I'd cross that last one out. The last time I went to Six Flags here in Atlanta, this chick wore me out walking around that park...and she was only one year younger than me! And these White kids in their late teens, kept waving at us every time we passed them on the skyscraper. But my date was having a ball, as old as we
But anyway, as far as the video, all I'll say is once a brother get's past 55, or at least past 60, he'll start seeing a lot of those things that he thought defined manhood, really didn't. He needs to chill a little, before he burns himself out. It's a matter of getting past that stage. Unfortunately, some brothers don't.
Glad you touched on this. Alot of this issues come from the fact there is no self realization for black men in this country. We are just living out the Europeans gameplan/design. So many black men depressed about not having as much as the white man got. Depressed about not having the career that defines you as "succesful" by the European. Youll be alot happier once you realize you are playing a bullshyt monopoly game create for and by the European. Because then you understand the context of how serious you should take it. You can play to win,play to keep playing,play so you can stop playing,or refuse to play. No matter which you choose,at least you know why your playing. Way better then going through the motions,reaching goals,but never being happy. Need to do some self reflectig and ask what you would want in life had you not been programmed/brainwashed from birth. This is why black people need to leave the country isolate and discover that for ourselves