Black male children ages 5-12 are committing suicide at rates higher than any other racial group


Aug 1, 2012
I’m convinced this is about environmental and food industry poisoning. I listened to this radio show saying you should NEVER eat off even warm plastic because it leaches into your food. and NEVER put plastics in your microwave.

got a plastic microwave dishcover, im going to research. props.

and to the thread this is a sad story but i believe in cooked up stats, anyway when you make entertainment the pappy and the pappy is a hollywood eastern jew this is what you have raisin the boys, that and effiminate rappers.

shout out to tyler perry and the University future film makers, save the babies.

Geek Nasty

Brain Knowledgeably Whizzy
Jan 30, 2015
South Kakalaka
got a plastic microwave dishcover, im going to research. props.

and to the thread this is a sad story but i believe in cooked up stats, anyway when you make entertainment the pappy and the pappy is a hollywood eastern jew this is what you have raisin the boys, that and effiminate rappers.

shout out to tyler perry and the University future film makers, save the babies.

I’m not sure if the cover is the problem, it’s microwaving food containers that they were talking about.

Dec 18, 2015
When I win I bring we with me
This has nothing to do with it.

Being Black in white society and dealing with racism, prejudice, discrimination, and the crux of bearing the weight of it all have more to do with cause and effect than some silly mantra of somehow black people growing up in the suburbs compared to the inner city make one less prone to factors that might lead to suicidal thoughts and depression. This is silly and I know people on here are better than this. Those factors aforementioned transcend class lines.

fukk it, i'll bite:ehh:

  • 1. Actually I didn't explicitly put forth a position one way or the other concerning what makes one prone to suicide. Now you could say "well it was implied" and I'd respond with "why not simply ask me what my thoughts are".

  • 2. In regard to your specific comment above, I would say "dealing with racism, prejudice, discrimination, and the crux of bearing the weight" is absolutely effected by the community an African American grows up in.
I'm from Birmingham, AL The mayor, police chief, along with the majority of the city council, teachers, officers, etc. I dealt with were black. My neighbors on down to people at the store were black. Hell, there were prob 2-3 white people i can think of in our entire neighborhood.

As a result the "racism, prejudice, discrimination" imposed on African Americans in other contexts was of little "weight" to me.
Something as heavy as the old stop & frisk tactics or as minor as white kids & teachers putting pressure on African Americans kids during k-12 wasn't something a person in my position was exposed to.

My first run in with the police was when I was in highschool and just got my car. I went downtown to an event called city stages and got pulled over for a missing tag light. It was a black cop who gave me a ticket were all I had to do was simply get the light fixed then get another cop to verify & sign that it had been fixed. After that he let me go, no fines or anything. I had no truly bad police experience till I moved away for University.

With that said the specific question of "what my thoughts are" would be answered by saying....

"My thoughts are that I'd like more information on the locations(I.E. with the goal being to possibly ferret out the social dynamics) of these suicides, specifically(though not exclusively) how many took place out in white burbs vs black majority communities(...and yes there are black majority burbs) so that I have more data to draw a specific position that I can explicitly state."
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Oct 22, 2017
When you’re raised by single mothers who refuse to educate you about our history in this country and the system of racism, caring more about who Cardi B is dating and other frivolous interests of a ratchet variety, this is the unfortunate result. Many of our children are being terribly neglected by their mothers. And some people will accuse me of hating black women for stating what is an unequivocal, readily observable fact. :yeshrug:


Oct 25, 2017
So Cal
Could we really blame this on "psycho moms and absent fathers" though?

Every day of being black in this country is just fukking like bizarro world.
Having to wade through spaces where the majority of people don't look like you...and they already view you as the enemy or an undesirable and the fact that no matter how hard they deny it, all white people being racist or harboring micro to macro levels of racism just by the way they are socialized in this society
Having to deal with racism and prejudice from micro to macro levels
Society automatically views blackness as negative and whiteness as a positive no matter how much fukking dirt white people do and no matter who they screw over, we just have to accept it, it's just the way this society is...and that's fukking bullshyt
Having to see black death on a loop with seemingly a new black man or black woman that's slain by police and never gets justice
Or another black man, black woman, or black child stigmatized and demonized for existing while black in this racist white supremacist society.
I could only speak for straight black men, but imagine the added crux of being black AND gay, lesbian, transgender, bi, etc...dealing with racism and homophobia.
Sometimes I even wonder where we even fit in this society where people hate us and champion us at the same damn time...our presence is welcomed, and not at the same time. They want us to assimilate but they actively stop us from assimiliating.

And look at the centuries of torment black peopel have faced globally, slavery, colonization, redlining, jim crow laws, lynching laws, etc....the fact we even still alive is a blessing, but I understand how and why young black folks could get depressed dealing with all this crap...especially when our peers tend to view us being depressed or anxious or having suicidal thoughts as a flaw...that we're supposed to be tough, constantly turning lemons into lemonade, not showing any emotions, having to be everything to everyone at any moment...if we show any sign of pain from this society that hurts us incessantly somehow we make people uncomfortable.

I mean, trying to comparmentalize all of this to just simple answers is foolish...

In totality of course not, but acting like it's not a significant part is 197% b.s. As a black man one of my biggest gripes in the community is the lack of family fukking planning. Brehs talk about have kids they didn't expect, like an unexpected car issue that'll cost a lil extra. LIke my nikka that's a whole living organism, a human that has the ability to affect it's environment and the humans around them, take it fukking seriously. People who don't worry about whether or not they'll be good parents, or whether on not they made the right decisions for their kids/self usually turn out to be shyt parents. I've had plenty of stretches where I've logically considered committing that. I'm a breh in America after all, but every time I've come to the conclusion that while my parents decided to have me without me being consulted, or without being of means to live middle class, we weren't impoverished, just lower middle, and more importantly then instilled in me values, and morals that have allowed me to reach heights that I couldn't have without them. I just couldn't do that to them/my brother. But if I was in a single parent home with an ain't shyt parent and an absent one, or an orphan I'd have a record by now or be 6 feet deep, not even because I'd be criminal minded/cold, but because I'd be more reckless, have less foresight, and fall into some bullshyt. Even with my parents I've had close calls. We really need to talk about family planning and who should and more importantly who shouldn't be having kids in the community.


May 1, 2012
Don't you guys watch the first 48 hours , these youngstas are lost with no positive guidance & most are destined for failure

Bunchy Carter

I'll Take The Money Over The Honey
May 19, 2014
Triple O.G. Bunchy Carter
This scares me so much for my son. I hate reading stuff like this.

You sound not be scared, you have to make sure that you keep it real with your son, make sure his self-esteem is intack and it's not his fault, it's a System of White Supremacy that is to blame.

Teach him about White Supremacy:

Also, teach him presistence:
