Black Louisville Judge Dismisses Entire White Jury


Sep 9, 2013
You have the "RIGHT" to be "JUDGED BY A JURY OF YOUR PEERS" what white people doesn't seem to understand the fundamentals of equality... :stopitslime:

Challenges Based on Race
While courts aren't required to include members of a defendant's race to create "a jury of peers," attorneys cannot exclude a juror based on race during jury selection. In Batson v. Kentucky, James Batson, an African American man, was on trial for burglary and receipt of stolen goods. The prosecutor in the case used peremptory challenges to exclude all four African American members of the jury pool, effectively creating an all-white jury.:francis:

After being convicted of the crimes, Batson appealed the decision to the U.S. Supreme Court, arguing that the removal of the black jurors violated his rights under the Sixth and Fourteenth Amendments. The Court ruled in Batson's favor. It found that while a defendant has no right to a jury composed, in whole or in part, of persons of his or her race, the State cannot exclude jurors simply because they are of the same race as the defendant.

- See more at: What Is a Jury of Peers? - FindLaw

I agree with this wholeheartedly. If I live in a predominately black community, work in a predominately black area, etc. how are white people my peers? This really needs to be taken into account. Population data of specific areas needs to be taken into account based on address, work area etc. I don't know exactly how it works but I know that unless I live around nothing but white people, my jury should not be all white.