God Emperor of SOHH
by no means am I saying that sociological issues do not impact the present state of black america. What I am saying is that in order to effect a change in these sociological inequities, we need to focus on changing the overall culture of black americans.
the perpetuation of a negative culture is what contines to depress the black agenda from ever reaching a legitamate starting point. Poverty is due to lack of knowledge or skill, and by strictly focusing on what caused us to be in poverty we divert attention from what we can control, which is the overall culture that dominates the black perspective.
We cannot control how much money is given to inner city neighborhoods, what we can control is the focus and attention that we give to our children and their education.
Education is the great equalizer in this country. By reinforcing that education is starting point to end poverty we can dramatically alter our culture, which leads to better socioeconomic conditions and opportunities.
these dudes like to talk all this racism ish, which I do not deny exists, but you can tell these dudes ain't really about that life, the black Wall Street, independent prosperous black community life
In essence what these other dudes are demanding is that white people come and fix black neighborhoods and black schools, it's a form of dependency, they want to have the crutch in the form of the cac