Yeah religion is the real problem in our community huh? Geez louiseMaybe because religion is something that is holding us back as a race?

Yeah religion is the real problem in our community huh? Geez louiseMaybe because religion is something that is holding us back as a race?
Yeah religion is the real problem in our community huh? Geez louiseOlder black people are not turning into atheist so just give the shyt up and younger blacks aren't nearly as religious. Just cause someone goes to church and believes in god doesn't mean they live a godly life.
because the majority of people in this country are religious sheep who should be slaughtered like the stupid animals that they are
I know right lol. When the last time you even heard Al or Jesse mention god? To many nikkas trying to hard to think outside the box these days until they just come off as smart dumb nikkas.Black demons continue to blame the church when some of these so called Rev. aren't preaching at any church. It's just a title to them. Don't let the evil fool you.
I truly believe they are confuse and are blaming God for what's going on with us in this country and in this world. God will do what he does. The Demons will always lose at the end of the day but if you join them, you will lose as well.I know right lol. When the last time you even heard Al or Jesse mention god? To many nikkas trying to hard to think outside the box these days until they just come off as smart dumb nikkas.
Al is a joke this is my opinion. ...we(blacks) seem to be divided on this issue howeveras a white person, I always wonder if Sharpton is generally liked/respected by the black community.
These reverends don't represent YOU. You don't represent US eitherWhy the fukk are they in the media, debates, ect? I know why, but in 2013 It makes no sense...its been going on far too long. Half of them cannot even speak properly.
These reverends don't represent YOU. You don't represent US either
The reason the ones you don't like are on TV? Because instead of you doing anything ever, you would rather do what Lil Wayne is doing
Instead of making a difference, you on here hating on people who actually try. You don't like religion so thats your basis for this thread. You have no spirituality to you which is sad, but is becoming the norm. The bible says most won't make it, and that is a sad truth. Don't worship a false prophet, these reverends you see? We listen to there words that are knowledgeable. We don't hold them to the same standards as say The Lord/God/whatever you worship. But a hater like you would, and you would let that determine why everything GOD taught is fake. Because you didn't like Reverend Ike's MaybachThere will be people who take advantage of people that way, evil people do that. That doesn't condemn his followers who follow the 10 commandments. Who don't deceive. Sometimes people talk a game, but live by another standard. That confuses those who are not sure when it shouldn't have an affect at all. If you a righteous guy, do something righteous then. If say Rev Al Sharp is bad, then show us how he's bad. Educate us
Yes and No. Other races have "leaders" as well, they just are not polarized like black figures are (American designed)Why the fukk do people in this thread still keep talking about the need for "leaders" is another good question. Do other races have leaders?
This isn't 1964. fukk a leader. People need to be autonomous leaders of their own lives, families, and communities.
Yes and No. Other races have "leaders" as well, they just are not polarized like black figures are (American designed)
CAPAL | Conference on Asian Pacific American Leadership <----- Asians
And I can pull up shyt like that for any race under the sun. What you are saying is whats wrong, cuz as individuals we not accomplishing anything. We should stick together sometimes. Bounce ideas off each other. And if one person wants to put in enough work? Then he'll be "viewed as a leader" even tho he doesn't have to be Albert Einstein of the operation. A leader doesn't have to be a ruler, just a person who is always working towards our common goals. Nothing wrong with that, even if you don't agree...
So you are comparing other races to being black in america? Are you?There are already a multitude of black organizations that focus on business, charity and education comparable to the Asian one in your link. That isn't what we're talking about here. "Leaders," in the context of which it is being discussed, sounds like people are talking about nationalist, iconic leaders of the whole race, molding an agenda and ideology for everyone to rally behind. No other race has those type of leaders anymore, and it's unnecessary and passe, and not even plausible. Black people are mad diverse and heterogeneous in ideology, culture, socioeconomic status, and experience.
Things have changed because the hindrances and inequalities are less overt and more complex and slippery than they were 4 decades ago and before, and different people within the black race have different opinions and solutions on how best to combat them. Why don't YOU tell me why black people need leaders of the race, and what specifically these leaders of the race should do?So you are comparing other races to being black in america? Are you?
I can pull up a youtube video of an asian person being attacked in america. You think that means they face the same struggle we face?
Why did we EVER need "black leaders" in the first place, and then tell me how things have changed to where its no longer needed. You said it, but could you explain your postition sir. Thank you very much...