Black cop Eric Adams is the most anti-black mayor in New York City history

Justin Nitsuj

Jan 23, 2018
Dallas, TX
I feel bad for all the brothers and sisters who have to deal with c00ns like this out there.
We need to clean house of these tyoe of black people before we start exterminating cacs.


All Star
May 29, 2012
Dude is the worst. With all the options we had I can't believe this bootlicking footshuffling clown is what new Yorkers went for. Always falling for this Okey doke about "zomg crime" every single time.

I don't give a fukk what no one says about DeBlasio, at least that motherfukker stood up for civil rights, activists and protesters while condeming bad cops and taking the NYPD to task when he was expected to do the good ole NYC mayor act and kiss police ass no mattef what. The passed off police union cacs that influence the ny papers pushed all the negative "DeBlasio sucks" campaign and made it into almost a pop culture trend.

DeBlasio wasn't the greatest, but NYers gave into a bunch NY Post headlines and retaliated against a pro-civil righrs liberal mayor, so now we have this useless idiot pretty much auditioning for his Fox News contributor job at this point. Whining about "mIgRaNts" like a helpless puppy, as if every NYC mayor before him hasnt dealt with mass immigration and ten times more. Ten bucks, he "leaves the Democrat Party" by the time his term is up.
Fam you're entitled to your opinion about the mayor but u can't just make shyt up. Modern NYC has never dealt with no shyt like the current migrant issue.


Nov 1, 2015
Who are brutalized by the police? In March 2022, NYPD officers claimed an 18-year-old boy, Luis Manuel Monsanto, failed to stop for a traffic stop in The Bronx. So the officers chased the boy and opened fire on his vehicle, shooting him in the head, leaving him in critical condition. Officers are actually prohibited from opening fire on moving vehicles. So Eric Adams basically comes out as both a defense attorney and a judge for the police in the case and tells us that the police decision to open fire on the unarmed 18-year-old boy in a traffic stop, despite that being expressly against NYPD policy, is justified because the vehicle itself was a weapon.

He and his infinite discernment as Eric Adams reviewed all the evidence and determined without a shadow of a doubt that this young boy was going to roll over the officers with his car, a claim that has never been substantiated. Video has never emerged evidencing this, no weapons were ever recovered from the boy's car, and he was never charged for any criminal activity whatsoever.

And in the day of days where vehicles are used in terrorist attacks to drive into crowds, this we did we're dealing with a different moment in policing and we'll continue to train our police officers to deal with how now vehicles are used as weapons to harm innocent people as well as police officers. So this was not a rolling back this was not a backing up this was a very clear attempt to drive at a police officer.

Eric Adams really manages to position the police officers as under attack and I find that especially ballsy of him to remind them that people are using vehicles in terroristic attacks to drive into crowds because it's always NYPD carrying out those attacks on protesters.

Eric Adams likes to dramatize the danger police face while dismissing the danger police pose to everyone else even while he's being confronted with the evidence of their brutality because in reality very few officers die in the line of duty. In 2021 there was a record high in officers being killed on the job and that number was a whopping 73. Compare that to the 779 people police have already killed just this year or at least 1201 people police killed last year but you wouldn't know that if you let Eric Adams tell it because that wouldn't fit his narrative which is why he simply lies.

Two NYPD officers were killed during Eric Adams first month in office and when I say Eric Adams said baby I'm gonna milk this [ __ ] he milked that [ __ ] like a cow okay. Eric Adams came out and told us that the loss of those officers reminded him of his dear dear Fallen officer friend who died in the line of duty in 1987. So dear a friend in fact that Adams has never stopped thinking about Robert so he carries his photo in his wallet with him for decades and he pulled out that picture like the saint he is until his former aides came forward and told the media that Adams had instructed them to print that [ __ ] picture off Google in black and white and to make it look worn in the wallet by spilling some goddamn coffee on it.

What? This [ __ ] is a menace and a showman. Despite how Eric Adams loves to invoke his impoverished upbringing to position himself as a working class man and his petty crime-filled youth as a gang member trying to earn money to change his life circumstances, Adams offers little to no sympathy, grace, compassion or even understanding of the boys and men who look like him and come from similar backgrounds and experiences. And he demonstrates that repeatedly in his criminalization of young black boys especially those he in any way associates with hip-hop.

That is who the black cop is. That's what makes them particularly dangerous to the black community because as James Baldwin said "Black policemen were another matter. We used to say if you must call a policeman for we hardly ever did for God's sake try to make sure it was a white one." A black policeman could completely demolish you. He knew far more about you than a white policeman could, and you were without defenses for this black brother in uniform whose entire reason for breathing seemed to be to offer his proof that he was black but he was not black like you. Which is why it shouldn’t surprise anyone that despite using that police brutality story to appeal to Black voters as someone who understood the issues with police brutality in a police state, Eric Adams is a big “don’t talk to me about police brutality or black lives matter when there’s black on black crime” guy. In fact, Eric Adams thinks that the problem with white liberals is that they’re too scared to talk about the real problem: black on black crime.


Nov 1, 2015
For the month of June 2023, New York City saw a 16.8% drop in shooting incidents compared to June 2022 (104 v. 125). The decrease in shootings extends the 24.7% decrease in shooting incidents citywide through the first half of calendar 2023 compared to the same period a year ago (482 v. 636) – meaning 196 fewer people have been shot this year compared to last year. Additionally, homicides fell by 3.1% (31 v. 32) for the month of June 2023.

The Murder Rate Is Suddenly Falling​


The United States may be experiencing one of the largest annual percent changes in murder ever recorded, according to my preliminary data. It is still early in the year and the trend could change over the second half of the year, but data from a sufficiently large sample of big cities have typically been a good predictor of the year-end national change in murder, even after only five months.

Murder is down about 12 percent year-to-date in more than 90 cities that have released data for 2023, compared with data as of the same date in 2022. Big cities tend to slightly amplify the national trend—a 5 percent decline in murder rates in big cities would likely translate to a smaller decline nationally. But even so, the drop shown in the preliminary data is astonishing.

The good news comes with the caveat that murder is not uniformly falling everywhere. Memphis, for example, has experienced an uptick following the killing of Tyre Nichols in January. Additionally, even a record double-digit percent decline in murder in 2023 would still mean that a couple thousand more people will be murdered in America this year than in 2019. Finally, mass shootings are on the rise even as overall gun violence appears to be falling.

David A. Graham: Murders are spiking in Memphis

All of that said, the good news is, well, good. Murder is down 13 percent in New York City, and shootings are down 25 percent, relative to last year as of late May. Murder is down more than 20 percent in Los Angeles, Houston, and Philadelphia. And, most significantly, murder is down 30 percent—30 percent!—or more in Jackson, Mississippi; Atlanta, Georgia; Little Rock, Arkansas; Minneapolis, Minnesota; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; and others.


I'm Lamont's pops
Nov 20, 2016
Straight from Flatbush
Dude is the worst. With all the options we had I can't believe this bootlicking footshuffling clown is what new Yorkers went for. Always falling for this Okey doke about "zomg crime" every single time.

I don't give a fukk what no one says about DeBlasio, at least that motherfukker stood up for civil rights, activists and protesters while condeming bad cops and taking the NYPD to task when he was expected to do the good ole NYC mayor act and kiss police ass no mattef what. The passed off police union cacs that influence the ny papers pushed all the negative "DeBlasio sucks" campaign and made it into almost a pop culture trend.

DeBlasio wasn't the greatest, but NYers gave into a bunch NY Post headlines and retaliated against a pro-civil righrs liberal mayor, so now we have this useless idiot pretty much auditioning for his Fox News contributor job at this point. Whining about "mIgRaNts" like a helpless puppy, as if every NYC mayor before him hasnt dealt with mass immigration and ten times more. Ten bucks, he "leaves the Democrat Party" by the time his term is up.
Deblasio stole a lot of money from homeless initiative grants where he put his wife in charge off..


Change is inevitable...
Jun 6, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
I remember dude saying he was the Black Biden or the Brooklyn Biden

I knew he was closer to Trump than Biden when I saw he was more interested in rubbing shoulders with C List celebs/rappers than actually working on making sure this city was functional

Also...those of us from BK warned y'all, just like people in the tristate area tried to warn y'all about Trump.

Man is and always has been a fugazi opportunist


May 17, 2012
the internet
far left wing babble because he's not following orders from the Biden admin

hella hit pieces on him since the migrant situation kicked off
