Black Atheist Rally Today if you live in Queens

Jul 26, 2012
"Try", as in.. "try" not skip over keywords next time.

Are women's reproductive rights not constantly being targeted or played with across the united states?

Absolutely not. You can reproduce as much as you'd like.

Or are you referring to your rights to kill the unborn at will? If that's the case, you can do that at will also.


Jun 20, 2013
Absolutely not. You can reproduce as much as you'd like.

Or are you referring to your rights to kill the unborn at will? If that's the case, you can do that at will also.

This, this is why I can't fukk with religious people. You did exactly what I expect most religious people to do. Try shame my beliefs with text like "your rights to kill the unborn at will"

Yes, I am allowed to just kill the unborn left and right, according to you, but states are constantly debating and trying to pass laws that shame women into not having one, that's coercion, and its extremely fukked up, in my opinion.

Women in Ohio HAVE to have an ultrasound of their unborn "child" in order to have an abortion.. states are literally trying to shame women into not doing what they are free to do with their bodies.

I mean, it's okay, though.. we have those rights, but lets shyt on people, use scare tactics and intimidate them into having a child all for the sake of OUR beliefs.

We're given rights, just to be intimidated and scared into not using those rights.

That is my problem.

I'm done with this thread, though. Arguing this shyt is like talking to a brick wall.
Last edited:
Jul 26, 2012
This, this is why I can't fukk with religious people. You did exactly what I expect most religious people to do. Try shame my beliefs with text like "your rights to kill the unborn at will"

Yes, I am allowed to just kill the unborn left and right, according to you, but states are constantly debating and trying to pass laws that shame women into not having one, that's coercion, and its extremely fukked up, in my opinion.

Women in Ohio HAVE to have an ultrasound of their unborn "child" in order to have an abortion.. states are literally trying to shame women into not doing what they are free to do with their bodies.

I mean, it's okay, though.. we have those rights, but lets shyt on people, use scare tactics and intimidate them into not having a child all for the sake of OUR beliefs.

We're given rights, just to be intimidated and scared into not using those rights.

That is my problem.

No shame tactics used at all. Where did I say that the unborn were viable? Would terminate have been better than kill?
The article points to new requirements pre-abortion that are no where near insurmountable?

That is not control via religion....This budget bill is targeted to a certain demographic and is politicking at its finest...

No female with health insurance is up in arms about this...

But again, this is not an attempt at control. You can organize and make your voice heard to get these types of laws repealed, correct?


Jun 13, 2013
that's called a theory and based on chains of chemical and gas, has been proven can happen. for all we know, we're just one of many universes and this one was spawned from another. the thing about being scientific is you can theorize, but what you religious folks are doing are basically saying you know the truth based on an ancient book with no fukking facts or eyewitness accounts other than the men that wrote the book. I mean really?

I'd rather say "I don't know" than some invisible being in the sky you've never seen is manipulating the universe based off a book men wrote thousands of years ago when witches, giants and superstition was prevalent. These ancient men knew exactly what this complex 10s of billion of years of aged supreme being was thinking? riiiiiight. A being of such complexity that created billion of planets is going to talk to the most primitive men. yes I can see it now. Meanwhile logical sense would be to talk to humans TODAY, where theres actual communication technology that can record said being, and project it's teaching into the future forever. If a simple human brain can see how much more logical this is, I think something that created the universe could def see that. I find it insulting to (if there was a) god, that would think a being like this would do the things it did written in the bible.

and we all came from 1 man, and 1 woman, 5,000 years ago? We've already debunked that with fossils and DNA findings, I dont know how clear cut we have to get with science to debunk such silly things.

My thing is how can we prove something when we don't know what we are looking for? With what scientific equipment known can we even begin to look? People take it too literally, that God is really some old ass white man with a white beard sitting on a cloud. How could one prove what doesn't exist when we don't even know what God is? There will always be a billion + what ifs but we never face reality. We as humans can are arrogant and most likely never accept that we just don't know it. We use our scientific reasonings to account for what is real and what's not, as if our reasonings are these perfect laws that dictate reality. How do you search for God? Take a rocket ship and try to go as high as you can? No, because according to science the Universe is constantly expanding, you'll be on a endless journey. Whose to say there is more that just this 3 dimensional world our eyes can see. And we never see past that? People say if God just existed, where he come from? Well I could say the thing about the Big Bang Theory. I'm just going to accept that we all here just by some random natural event. Something so complex from the human brain all way to the cells that make up our body. I'm supposed to believe The Big Theory led to this? Universe as big and science says it is and we believe we figured out everything.

I love that quote from The Boondocks, there are known knowns and there are known unknowns, but there are also unknown unknowns, things that we don't know, that we don't know. I will say this, there has been physical evidence found that supports some events in the Bible, landscapes and etc...

Like old horse carriages being found in the Red Sea, shyt like that.


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
Napoleon said:
And I still stand by my statement.
I have no reason to believe that his faith played any part in him making a scientific advancement based on the work done by Einstein and Newton.

He believes in God and is smarter than you. End of discussion. Your claim is falsified.

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
My thing is how can we prove something when we don't know what we are looking for? With what scientific equipment known can we even begin to look? People take it too literally, that God is really some old ass white man with a white beard sitting on a cloud. How could one prove what doesn't exist when we don't even know what God is? There will always be a billion + what ifs but we never face reality. We as humans can are arrogant and most likely never accept that we just don't know it. We use our scientific reasonings to account for what is real and what's not, as if our reasonings are these perfect laws that dictate reality. How do you search for God? Take a rocket ship and try to go as high as you can? No, because according to science the Universe is constantly expanding, you'll be on a endless journey. Whose to say there is more that just this 3 dimensional world our eyes can see. And we never see past that? People say if God just existed, where he come from? Well I could say the thing about the Big Bang Theory. I'm just going to accept that we all here just by some random natural event. Something so complex from the human brain all way to the cells that make up our body. I'm supposed to believe The Big Theory led to this? Universe as big and science says it is and we believe we figured out everything.

I love that quote from The Boondocks, there are known knowns and there are known unknowns, but there are also unknown unknowns, things that we don't know, that we don't know. I will say this, there has been physical evidence found that supports some events in the Bible, landscapes and etc...

Like old horse carriages being found in the Red Sea, shyt like that.
I think you're missing the point. The big bang theory is a theory. No one said it was solid proof. Scientists dont claim to know the facts, only a solid theory thru testing. Christians however claim to know the truth, however, God is a man made concept. In other words, around the time we became conscious and started realizing we had thought, we started thinking up a higher being must be the cause of everything. That in itself is a theory too! Just one that no one can prove because no one has ever seen or talked to god. At least the big bang we can mimic the beginning stages of the universe via gasses and amino acids. This is why we think this theory is far better than the ancient one, now that we're more evolved and advanced.

As for the solid truth, it may take us 10s of thousands of years. Who said we had to know now? We've done a great job discovering our solar system and even seeing billions of galaxies in the last 100 years, we going in the right direction, one that the church had a problem with in the 1900s. They're backwards, meanwhile scientists are trying to move forward with new ideas and theories.

I'll take the theories of our geniuses of today like Einstein over superstitious primitive men any day. Reminds me of the Egyptians rejecting the 1 god theory, present day, we have people rejecting the big bang theory. some humans have a hard time breaking tradition.


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
Napoleon said:
A scientist who accepts concepts a priori before substantiating them will always lose some degree of respect in my eyes. The same goes for Francis Collins with the NIH.

They don't need your respect since the entire scientific community is indebted to them for their contributions to mankind's collective knowledge.

BTW, Francis Collins was an atheist and didn't accept the concept of a 'diety' until later in life while working on the human genome project.

Atheist dogma............:laff::laff::laff:


Jun 13, 2013
I think you're missing the point. The big bang theory is a theory. No one said it was solid proof. Scientists dont claim to know the facts, only a solid theory thru testing. Christians however claim to know the truth, however, God is a man made concept. In other words, around the time we became conscious and started realizing we had thought, we started thinking up a higher being must be the cause of everything. That in itself is a theory too! Just one that no one can prove because no one has ever seen or talked to god. At least the big bang we can mimic the beginning stages of the universe via gasses and amino acids. This is why we think this theory is far better than the ancient one, now that we're more evolved and advanced.

As for the solid truth, it may take us 10s of thousands of years. Who said we had to know now? We've done a great job discovering our solar system and even seeing billions of galaxies in the last 100 years, we going in the right direction, one that the church had a problem with in the 1900s. They're backwards, meanwhile scientists are trying to move forward with new ideas and theories.

I'll take the theories of our geniuses of today like Einstein over superstitious primitive men any day. Reminds me of the Egyptians rejecting the 1 god theory, present day, we have people rejecting the big bang theory. some humans have a hard time breaking tradition.

But what I don't get is, the system we ourselves have created to determine what is real or what is not. We treat it as if it's perfect, I believe we have come a long way, but as far as I"m concern, if the universe is constantly expanding now as we speak, then it is impossible to reach that point. People mock the Genesis story, but I don't take that story as literal as people do. I think the things it describes should be taken metaphorically, like I don't think Eve really ate fruit from a tree, I think what the story meant was fornication, eating forbidden fruit, sexual intercourse. And I don't think there was actually a serpent, I think the serpent represents the temptation, something that separates the body and the mind. And thus separates from God's image, the one he intended us to have. Or I could be simply just wrong, but thats how I took.

Hell maybe we're all wrong. Maybe Aliens are real, and they are these advanced species of the Universe, ancient, possibly immortal. And they are our creators, they created us because they can and want to see if life could survive outside their world. They limit our intelligence, so they will always be superior and they constantly visit the planet to check the progress, Alien abductions, sightings, they're all real. And they control our government too, let me stop man, I been smoking too much weed. This would make a good movie tho.

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
But what I don't get is, the system we ourselves have created to determine what is real or what is not. We treat it as if it's perfect, I believe we have come a long way, but as far as I"m concern, if the universe is constantly expanding now as we speak, then it is impossible to reach that point. People mock the Genesis story, but I don't take that story as literal as people do. I think the things it describes should be taken metaphorically, like I don't think Eve really ate fruit from a tree, I think what the story meant was fornication, eating forbidden fruit, sexual intercourse. And I don't think there was actually a serpent, I think the serpent represents the temptation, something that separates the body and the mind. And thus separates from God's image, the one he intended us to have. Or I could be simply just wrong, but thats how I took.

Hell maybe we're all wrong. Maybe Aliens are real, and they are these advanced species of the Universe, ancient, possibly immortal. And they are our creators, they created us because they can and want to see if life could survive outside their world. They limit our intelligence, so they will always be superior and they constantly visit the planet to check the progress, Alien abductions, sightings, they're all real. And they control our government too, let me stop man, I been smoking too much weed. This would make a good movie tho.
we didnt come from 2 homo sapiens, we have fossils that show us a gradual evolution. it takes more than 5,000 years for humans to reach the america's and form tribes.