in order for the report to be close to accurate. they would need to add every white on black shooting that was deemed justifiable, as they likely werent.I agree with you, I know plenty of black folks who never resorted to criminal activity. But wouldn't you say there's some truth to those numbers when you simply look at the culture? If black music was purely Jazz, we all wore dress shoes, and we line danced, your comment on invalid numbers would hold more weight.
White supremacy is a system. It is not a perfect one. As with any system, it has a statistical success rate. Statistically not every black person put into this system will resort to crime that is why we have MAGA and white supremacist groups taking steps to gain power again and attempt to perfect the system. Secondly there are ways to combat the system. The choices a person makes like committing a crime are a personal choice yes but you overlook that there are statistically relevant ways to make better choices. Not once have you mentioned education levels. But it is a proven fact that higher education leads to better critical thinking skills. The correlation between educational attainment, socioeconomic status, and incarceration rate is negative. So one of the answers to beating white supremacy is likely education and opportunity right? And you stated earlier that you know about white supremacy removing opportunities away from black people so if that is the case and continues today then I ask once again why are you asking your questions about why crime rates are higher for black people (and these charts are not even accurate as @Luke Cage pointed out)?Resorting to crime is a personal choice simply because I know a lot of low income black people who don't resort to crime. I was also low income and resorting to crime never crossed my mind. Not to mention my parents instilled good values.
Not to mention some crime, like car jacking, is used to commit more crimes.
White supremacy is a system. It is not a perfect one. As with any system, it has a statistical success rate. Statistically not every black person put into this system will resort to crime that is why we have MAGA and white supremacist groups taking steps to gain power again and attempt to perfect the system. Secondly there are ways to combat the system. The choices a person makes like committing a crime are a personal choice yes but you overlook that there are statistically relevant ways to make better choices. Not once have you mentioned education levels. But it is a proven fact that higher education leads to better critical thinking skills. The correlation between educational attainment, socioeconomic status, and incarceration rate is negative. So one of the answers to beating white supremacy is likely education and opportunity right? And you stated earlier that you know about white supremacy removing opportunities away from black people so if that is the case and continues today then I ask once again why are you asking your questions about why crime rates are higher for black people (and these charts are not even accurate as @Luke Cage pointed out)?
It's because you're an undercover white supremacist ally who is attempting to gaslight us and use reductionist reasoning to make it seem like black people themselves are the problem to take the burden of responsibility and guilt away from ALL who are responsible. Yes, the individuals who commit acts are responsible for their actions but let's not pretend the system is not designed to influence outcomes.
Don't know what it is but I scroll over dude comments all his shyt feels pretentious and trying to go out his way to be edgy. Seen a couple of his posts in the booth that just "try-hard" dumb shytThat poster already makes racist comments like that, surprised he hasn't been banned yet.
White supremacy is a system. It is not a perfect one. As with any system, it has a statistical success rate. Statistically not every black person put into this system will resort to crime that is why we have MAGA and white supremacist groups taking steps to gain power again and attempt to perfect the system. Secondly there are ways to combat the system. The choices a person makes like committing a crime are a personal choice yes but you overlook that there are statistically relevant ways to make better choices. Not once have you mentioned education levels. But it is a proven fact that higher education leads to better critical thinking skills. The correlation between educational attainment, socioeconomic status, and incarceration rate is negative. So one of the answers to beating white supremacy is likely education and opportunity right? And you stated earlier that you know about white supremacy removing opportunities away from black people so if that is the case and continues today then I ask once again why are you asking your questions about why crime rates are higher for black people (and these charts are not even accurate as @Luke Cage pointed out)?
It's because you're an undercover white supremacist ally who is attempting to gaslight us and use reductionist reasoning to make it seem like black people themselves are the problem to take the burden of responsibility and guilt away from ALL who are responsible. Yes, the individuals who commit acts are responsible for their actions but let's not pretend the system is not designed to influence outcomes.
Listening to the lyrics of rap and looking at homicide rates of inner cities,
Edit: Blacks are not a cancer, but there is something wrong with black culture.
What does any of this and the post your replying to have anything with this dude say black Americans are a cancer. The same people who fought for other blacks to get over here. The biggest black presence in the west on top of thatResorting to crime is a personal choice simply because I know a lot of low income black people who don't resort to crime. I was also low income and resorting to crime never crossed my mind. Not to mention my parents instilled good values.
Not to mention some crime, like car jacking, is used to commit more crimes. And at some point the innocent hard working people get tired of it and they no longer have empathy for you.
You can be low income and still have good values. You can still treat people right. There is nothing stopping you from doing that.
ThreadWhite supremacy is a system. It is not a perfect one. As with any system, it has a statistical success rate. Statistically not every black person put into this system will resort to crime that is why we have MAGA and white supremacist groups taking steps to gain power again and attempt to perfect the system. Secondly there are ways to combat the system. The choices a person makes like committing a crime are a personal choice yes but you overlook that there are statistically relevant ways to make better choices. Not once have you mentioned education levels. But it is a proven fact that higher education leads to better critical thinking skills. The correlation between educational attainment, socioeconomic status, and incarceration rate is negative. So one of the answers to beating white supremacy is likely education and opportunity right? And you stated earlier that you know about white supremacy removing opportunities away from black people so if that is the case and continues today then I ask once again why are you asking your questions about why crime rates are higher for black people (and these charts are not even accurate as @Luke Cage pointed out)?
It's because you're an undercover white supremacist ally who is attempting to gaslight us and use reductionist reasoning to make it seem like black people themselves are the problem to take the burden of responsibility and guilt away from ALL who are responsible. Yes, the individuals who commit acts are responsible for their actions but let's not pretend the system is not designed to influence outcomes.
No they get temp bans and invited right backThat poster already makes racist comments like that, surprised he hasn't been banned yet.