"Black America for Immigration Reform" was founded by a race-baiting white Trump official


American Freedman
Nov 29, 2019
I literally read the articles YOU posted, and gave you a reasoning as to why they are ineffective in telling pro-ADOS people why ADOS is problematic. Their listings and reasonings were hypocritical at best and salacious at worst. There is no honest discourse around the beef with ADOS. Most of it steeped in their beef with ADOS being “nativist”. It seems these ppl would rather have pointless pan Africanism or pointless PoC coalitions and symbolic “stick it to the man/fukk America!” kayfabe, while simultaneously telling ADOS that their “lineage over everything” approach is “too extreme” for other groups to get with. While other PoC coalitions and ethnic groups have no problem fighting for their place within and contributing to American capitalism. :dead:

The arguments will continue to center around her work with PFIR and her being against reparations nearly 10 years ago, not anything she's doing recently.

Pretty pointless arguments tbh.


Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
The arguments will continue to center around her work with PFIR and her being against reparations nearly 10 years ago, not anything she's doing recently.

Pretty pointless arguments tbh.


EVERYTHING in Talib's article, including EVERYTHING I quoted in the comment before yours, was about shyt she was doing in the name of #ADOS and after she had already founded #ADOS.

* Her position on the board of PFIR overlapped with her time in ADOS. Yvette was on the board of PFIR from 2014-2019 and she founded ADOS in 2016. So she was caping for a White Nationalist organization, sharing a board with conservative extremists, the same time she decided to start pushing ADOS and attacking pro-reparations figures on the left for not being extreme enough.

* Her disingenuous, bullshyt attacks on Talib and other pro-reparations public figures was done as part of her ADOS movement.

* Her support for various right-wingers that he cites, including Reagan and Trump, was all done as an ADOS leader.

Yes, she has over time began to try to limit criticism by pulling away from all the right-wing figures she openly supported, but does that mean she stopped supporting racists and right-wingers, or just that she's finally caught on that it was a public image problem? It's not like her actual support for their causes have changed, did they?

I'm not surprised that y'all keep pushing false claims about our arguments and creating strawmen. Dealing with the actual criticisms would be tough for me as well.
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American Freedman
Nov 29, 2019
EVERYTHING in Talib's article, including EVERYTHING I quoted in the comment before yours, was about shyt she was doing in the name of #ADOS and after she had already founded #ADOS.

* Her position on the board of PFIR overlapped with her time in ADOS. Yvette founded ADOS in 2016, she didn't leave the board of PFIR until 2019. So she was caping for a White Nationalist organization, sharing a board with conservative extremists, the same time she was pushing ADOS and attacking pro-reparations figures on the left for not being extreme enough.

* Her disingenuous, bullshyt attacks on Talib and other pro-reparations public figures was done as part of her ADOS movement.

* Her support for various right-wingers that he cites, including Reagan and Trump, was all done as an ADOS leader.

Yes, she has over time began to try to limit criticism by pulling away from all the right-wing figures she openly supported, but does that mean she stopped supporting racists and right-wingers, or just that she's finally caught on that it was a public image problem? It's not like her actual support for their causes have changed, did they?

I'm not surprised that y'all keep pushing false claims about our arguments and creating strawmen. Dealing with the actual criticisms would be tough for me as well.


I never pushed any claims about your "arguments" and I don't give a damn about some washed-up rapper.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether

I never pushed any claims about your "arguments" and I don't give a damn about some washed-up rapper.

Well, I guess admitting that you couldn't even respond to anything I said and were just pushing a strawman is honesty on your part.

Nice ad hominem there about Talib. What does the timing of his career have anything to do with the validity of his experience with Yvette? Note that SHE is the one who chose to quote him and start arguing with him, when he had never even heard of her before. If he's just a "washed up rapper", then why did she randomly attack him and send her base against him SOLELY because he made a post saying he preferred a plan for reparations from Bernie over getting nothing from Trump?


American Freedman
Nov 29, 2019
Well, I guess admitting that you couldn't even respond to anything I said and were just pushing a strawman is honesty on your part.

Nice ad hominem there about Talib. What does the timing of his career have anything to do with the validity of his experience with Yvette? Note that SHE is the one who chose to quote him and start arguing with him, when he had never even heard of her before. If he's just a "washed up rapper", then why did she randomly attack him and send her base against him SOLELY because he made a post saying he preferred a plan for reparations from Bernie over getting nothing from Trump?

Either you use words/phrases you don't understand or you are accustomed to lying when you don't have an argument to make. I never "pushed a straw man," and if I did, point it out.

And, I didn't respond to your "argument/criticism," because it is largely irrelevant and not remotely interesting.



Ocean air
Apr 2, 2015
I literally read the articles YOU posted, and gave you a reasoning as to why they are ineffective in telling pro-ADOS people why ADOS is problematic. Their listings and reasonings were hypocritical at best and salacious at worst. There is no honest discourse around the beef with ADOS. Most of it steeped in their beef with ADOS being “nativist”. It seems these ppl would rather have pointless pan Africanism or pointless PoC coalitions and symbolic “stick it to the man/fukk America!” kayfabe, while simultaneously telling ADOS that their “lineage over everything” approach is “too extreme” for other groups to get with. While other PoC coalitions and ethnic groups have no problem fighting for their place within and contributing to American capitalism. :dead:
I posted myself the reasons why she was problematic and posted the articles because they provided support for THOSE reasons. You completely ignored the reasons I gave and wrote a bunch of bullshyt that didn't even address what I posted or the articles.

For example, you claimed it said:

Bullshyt. Talib said he is PRO reparations, and so it Mark Thompson (who Yvette was also attacking). She attacked Talib for saying that he would prefer voting for Bernie and a PLAN to pursue reparations than allow Trump to win and get nothing at all.

"I was only marginally aware of Mark Thompson’s pro reparations work before both him and I started being harassed by a new hashtag movement bubbling online called ADOS, which stands for American Descendants Of Slaves. I saw him on Joy Ann Reid’s MSNBC program being described as a member of the National African American Reparations Commission (NAARC) due to his research and support of the concept of reparations for African Americans who are descended from enslaved people."

"Like Mark Thompson, I have always been pro reparations. In my first solo song ever, “2000 Seasons” from 1997, I rap “they call it reparations but they call it extortion.” In 2004, on Kanye West’s (that’s pre Trump Kanye btw) “We Can Make It Better”, I rapped “reparations, how you calculate the amount to be paid, you try to imagine America without the slaves.” I am of the belief that African Americans absolutely deserve reparations and I’ve worked closely throughout my career with a pro reparations community activist group called the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement. However, none of that mattered to a woman named Yvette Carnell, a founder of this ADOS movement, when she decided to wander over to my mentions to aggressively critique me for writing what amounted to an anti Trump tweet."

"I was taken aback when I received such a vile, personal attack on my character and my life’s work from what seemed at first glance to be a pro-black black woman. It was clear to me that I supported a plan for reparations in the tweet she was critical of, so why the attack? I had never heard of ADOS or Yvette Carnell before I wrote the tweet, so why did she take a tweet that wasn’t written to her or about her so personal? Why did she assume I was talking about her and her movement?"

It got worse from there. Look where the #ADOS mob went next:

"As bad as Yvette’s Carnell’s initial unsolicited tweet to me was, her followers were way worse. They collectively decided I was a Haitian immigrant (weird flex) as a way to justify their dismissal of my position. I was born in Brooklyn. My mother was born in New Jersey and my father was born in Queens. We’ve never been Haitian. It became apparent to me very quickly that ADOS was an anti black immigrant movement when scores of ADOS accounts began to harass me, an American born citizen, for being an immigrant. I was called a “c00n”, a “sell out”, I was told to “go back to Haiti”. When I pointed out that Yvette Carnell made a YouTube video entitled “Pan Africanism Is Dead” I was told to “go back to Africa”. One ADOS person threatened to shoot me and several others, including a verified twitter user named Junot Joyner who once lost on American Idol 11 years ago, threatened to show up where I perform to physically assault me. These bigoted and sometimes violently worded attacks came daily, by the hundreds, for almost a month straight. Supposedly pro-black ADOS folks were using the same exact hateful rhetoric that white supremacists have used on me for years in digital spaces. Something was fishy."

Talib does his research:

"Largely due to the impeccable research of a twitter user named @ImaniKushan I began to see that Yvette Carnell, who’s twitter name is @breakingbrown, seemed to use her YouTube channel to push right wing, pro Trump, anti immigration propaganda. She has videos titled “Why Is Everyone So Afraid of Steve Bannon” and “Trump Is Right About Black Poverty.” There was a video of her wearing a MAGA hat, which she deleted once we called her out for wearing it. She has tweets about how Trump looks so presidential on TV, and about how Trump is correct about birthright citizenship. She uses her Twitter account to push anti immigration propaganda, and she uses nazi slogans like “blood and soil.” She wrote an essay on her Breaking Brown blog entitled “Black Lawmakers Shouldn’t Be Out Here Calling Trump Illegitimate.” Despite her denials of her support for Trump, the evidence is clear that in action Yvette Carnell is pushing the GOP’s message."

"As damning as all of these facts about Yvette Carnell’s actions are, her intentions were not clear to me until I found out that she is an admittedly proud board member of an anti immigrant organization that deceptively calls itself Progressives For Immigration Reform. In case you are someone who doesn’t understand that progressives generally don’t fight for immigration reform, let be break this down for you. PFIR was designated as a hate group by the ADL and the SPLC because it is funded by John Tanton, a white nationalist well known for creating right wing think tanks that are specifically designed to get minority voters to align with GOP supported anti immigration policy. Now I understood why everyone following Yvette Carnell and supporting her movement were so hateful to immigrants. That was by design. Thats the whole point. ADOS is an insidious right wing funded anti immigration hashtag movement cloaked in the righteous language of reparations."

What most ADOS folks say when I present the evidence that Yvette Carnell is a fraud, is to look at their website, ados101.com. On this site, created by ADOS co founder Antonio Moore, Ronald Reagan is celebrated as being helpful to the black community. Donald Trump is celebrated as being helpful to black communities. Barack Obama, the first black president, is critiqued as not being helpful to black communities. I have no issues with critique of Obama. But when critique of Obama is buttressed in with celebration of Reagan and Trump, that's clearly right wing propaganda.

NONE of the other arguments you claimed we made were in Talib's essay either. You ignored absolutely everything I said and everything he said. You acted just like he said you act.

You posted THREE articles. If you wanted me to exclusivity read the Talib article, I couldn’t easily posted about that article and that one only. Everyone has their bone to pick with ADOS. While Yvette’s past views are controversial, the movement it’s self is the only one in the modern day that has galvanized Black Americans into bringing reparations back to the forefront. Nikole-Hannah Jones, and Tan-Nihisi Coated are two others on that short list. Most of the beef with ADOS has been about delineation and black American focused views. With, or without Yvette’s right leaning ideology, the beef with ADOS is largely with ppls views on reparations specifically for black Americans. Her connections to John Tanton are a convenient highlight, but ultimately I’ve seen too many arguments on this very site, on Twitter, and over the web that reparations are ultimately never going to happen, or if they do happen they should be for “everyone”, etc. Meeting with white supremacist of agreeing with them because of a shared common ground(as disgusting as that sounds) isn’t unique to Yvette. Talib should know this, his and Mos Duo was called “Black Star” after Marcus Garvey. This Marcus Garvey:

The "Garvey Must Go" Campaign gained momentum after Garvey held a secret meeting with Edward Young Clarke, the leader of the Ku Klux Klan, in June 1922. Immediately afterward, Randolph and Owen's Messenger magazine published an article entitled "Marcus Garvey! The Black Imperial Wizard Becomes Messenger Boy of the White Klu Klux Kleagle." Black leaders were further infuriated when they learned that Garvey, at a speaking engagement in New Orleans, remarked that because black people had not built the railroad system, they should not insist on riding in the same cars with white patrons.”


Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I didn't respond to your "argument/criticism," because it is largely irrelevant and not remotely interesting.

"Irrelevant" to what? The entire argument of the thread is that right-wing racists are promoting their racist, anti-immigrant objectives with Black faces. The entire argument of my comment was that Yvette attacks immigrants and Black people while supporting White racists, and the articles all provided receipts for that.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
You posted THREE articles. If you wanted me to exclusivity read the Talib article, I couldn’t easily posted about that article and that one only. Everyone has their bone to pick with ADOS.

I posted 3 articles which all supported the same basic point - that Yvette has consistently attacked Black immigrants and been divisive even towards Black non-immigrants while praising White racists. That was the point that mattered in all three articles.

You replied with some random bullshyt based off of your misinterpretation of a single one of those articles, that had nothing to do with the main point AND wasn't even true about the one article. Your claims about "coalition" and "empire" were just bad misreadings of a single passage in a single article and were a complete strawman and deflection.

While Yvette’s past views are controversial, the movement it’s self is the only one in the modern day that has galvanized Black Americans into bringing reparations back to the forefront.

Total bullshyt. Ta-nehisi Coates did 10x more to bring reparations back to the forefront than Yvette did. She and her followers continuously take credit for everything that happens with reparations despite there being literally no evidence that she was the decisive factor in any of it.

Remember, while Ta-nehisi Coates was writing and pushing the most widely read, widely acclaimed work on reparations in the 21st century, articles read by literally millions and millions of people, Yvette was still pushing this to a few thousand followers.

YVETTE CARNELL: Well, listen. I would tell anyone that I am in favor of reparations. But reparations for me looks a lot like what Bernie Sanders defined. Reparations for me is massive investment in poor communities. And for me the whole problem with Ta-Nehisi Coates and what he, and what he did, what he did to me was really intellectually bankrupt. Because what he’s asking black people to do is follow this kind of identity politics, this kind of black identity politics, everything has to be about us being black people as opposed to everything being about us being poor people, disproportionately poor. And he wants us to follow down that road which really is a road to nowhere, leads to a goose egg.

You know, the most interesting thing to me about what Ta-Nehisi Coates said in terms of how he defined reparations is that he never really defined reparations. And he, and when you ask him about, hey, what does reparations look like and what is it supposed to be he says, well, I don’t have all the answers. Well, what you really don’t have is an argument. You’re happy to define reparations for yourself, but you’re telling me that what Bernie Sanders has here doesn’t go far enough.

And I would, I would ask, like he says, you know, he said in a more recent piece, he says, you know, black people have more concentrated poverty. Black people are even more poor than white people, than white poor people. That’s who we are. Well, that’s true. But that goes, that really guts his case. Because if you really know how poor we are as black people then you know that, okay, cutting us a check ain’t going to get it, and what we need is real infrastructure and real investment from the government. Everything from healthcare, everything to, everything from free college education. I mean, when you look at Flint, Michigan right now, that’s just perfect for me. You can’t, you can’t give black people a check for Flint and say, okay, deal with your stuff. That’s some, this is something that’s going to take massive investment from the government to fix.

And so the real, the real intellectually bankrupt part of Coates’ argument is that he doesn’t define an argument for himself other than say, you know what, black people are really, really poor. And socialism doesn’t go far enough. This sort of socialism stuff doesn’t go far enough. Well, that’s really not good in terms of a salient argument, is it, if I say that this doesn’t go far enough. It goes very far, and you haven’t defined how it should go further. The only thing you’ve really said, and the only thing Ta-Nehisi Coates has said, is he says that this sort of socialist politics does not vanquish racism. Those were his words. Well, my response would be nothing vanquishes racism. And we shouldn’t be concerned with vanquishing racism. I’m not concerned whether or not the white guy across town loves black people, or whether he hates black people. What I’m concerned with is the material consequence of racism. And the only way to help alleviate or ameliorate those consequences is through massive public investment that looks a lot like what [Sanders] is talking about.

That's Yvette in 2016, just months before founding ADOS, shytting on everything Ta-Nehisi Coates has said and done. She's calling Coates's push for reparations INTELLECTUALLY BANKRUPT at the exact same time she's carrying water for the White Nationalist John Tanton. And she does it while making all the exact same arguments that she's going to turn around and claim are garbage arguments just MONTHS later.

And she didn't just shyt on Coates in 2016. I've already posted receipts for her shytting on him in 2012 (for not supporting Ron Paul), in 2016 (for pushing too hard for reparations), and in 2019 (when Coates finally accepted that a vote for Bernie is a better first step than Trump winning.....while Yvette pulled a 180 on Bernie and now wanted Trump to win reelection despite that obviously being the worst next step possible). And I know she was talking shyt multiple other times in-between those outbursts too.

That's why I can't take her seriously as a thought leader, at all. What has she ever done at any point in her life to show that she was a person worth following, a person who could get real things done? She's running around supporting Ron Paul, supporting John Tanton, flipping her political positions every damn election cycle, has NEVER led an organization or movement that has achieved a single practical step, and seems almost single-mindedly focused on dividing Black people.....which happens to be EXACTLY what her handlers at PFIR wanted her to do. And she just happened to start ADOS while she worked for them.

If someone asked you, "What evidence do you have that Yvette isn't doing exactly what her handlers at PFIR hoped she would do?", how would you respond to them?
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Ocean air
Apr 2, 2015
I posted 3 articles which all supported the same basic point - that Yvette has consistently attacked Black immigrants and been divisive even towards Black non-immigrants while praising White racists. That was the point that mattered in all three articles.

You replied with some random bullshyt based off of your misinterpretation of a single one of those articles, that had nothing to do with the main point AND wasn't even true about the one article. Your claims about "coalition" and "empire" were just bad misreadings of a single passage in a single article and were a complete strawman and deflection.

Total bullshyt. Ta-nehisi Coates did 10x more to bring reparations back to the forefront than Yvette did. She and her followers continuously take credit for everything that happens with reparations despite there being literally no evidence that she was the decisive factor in any of it.

Remember, while Ta-nehisi Coates was writing and pushing the most widely read, widely acclaimed work on reparations in the 21st century, articles read by literally millions and millions of people, Yvette was still pushing this to a few thousand followers.

That's Yvette in 2016, just months before founding ADOS, shytting on everything Ta-Nehisi Coates has said and done. She's calling Coates's push for reparations INTELLECTUALLY BANKRUPT at the exact same time she's carrying water for the White Nationalist John Tanton. And she does it while making all the exact same arguments that she's going to turn around and claim are garbage arguments just MONTHS later.

And she didn't just shyt on Coates in 2016. I've already posted receipts for her shytting on him in 2012 (for not supporting Ron Paul), in 2016 (for pushing too hard for reparations), and in 2019 (for finally accepting a vote for Bernie is a better first step than Trump winning.....while she now pulled a 180 and wanted Trump to win again despite that obviously being the worst next step possible). And I know she was talking shyt multiple other times in-between those outbursts too.

That's why I can't take her seriously as a thought leader, at all. What has she ever done at any point in her life to show that she was a person worth following, a person who could get real things done? She's running around supporting Ron Paul, supporting John Tanton, flipping her political positions every damn election cycle, has NEVER led an organization or movement that has achieved a single practical step, and seems almost single-mindedly focused on dividing Black people.....which happens to be EXACTLY what her handlers at PFIR wanted her to do. And she just happened to start ADOS while she worked for them.

If someone asked you, "What evidence do you have that Yvette isn't doing exactly what her handlers at PFIR hoped she would do?", how would you respond to them?
Coates has done the work, but what I’m saying is the the problem isn’t necessarily Yvette or Coates. It’s the willingness of supposed allies on the left to get behind the reparations movement, without throwing their own qualifiers on How BA’s should receive reparations, who should be qualified to receive them, or if they should be disperesed at all, or general cynicism towards the movement and the belief that it’s all just a distraction that blocks “practical” redress for black Americans, that isn’t even exclusive to black Americans. The very idea of delineation was a controversial one, on this very site. Most detractors on the net(white, black immigrant, LatinX or otherwise) aren’t using Ta-Nihisi Coates leg work and research as a counter to Yvette or breaking brown. They’re just detractors of black American lineage based delineation for any petty reason. These are the beefs I see everyday. :manny:


American Freedman
Nov 29, 2019
"Irrelevant" to what? The entire argument of the thread is that right-wing racists are promoting their racist, anti-immigrant objectives with Black faces. The entire argument of my comment was that Yvette attacks immigrants and Black people while supporting White racists, and the articles all provided receipts for that.

Draw the connection to the present. What argument she had with some rapper, a poorly researched article written by an incompetent, and work she did for PFIR 10 years ago, have to do with what ADOS are doing today? Where is the "anti-immigrant" sentiment in Yvette's videos or articles (2023-present) or on the ADOS advocacy foundation page?

That is why I say your argument is uninteresting and irrelevant. You have to dredge up articles or postings from nearly 10 years ago and dramatize them to fit your narrative of a concern you claim to have in the present.

I would expect that level of laziness and half-cocked posting from a person like @Buddy .

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Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Coates has done the work, but what I’m saying is the the problem isn’t necessarily Yvette or Coates. It’s the willingness of supposed allies on the left to get behind the reparations movement, without throwing their own qualifiers on How BA’s should receive reparations, who should be qualified to receive them, or if they should be disperesed at all, or general cynicism towards the movement and the belief that it’s all just a distraction that blocks “practical” redress for black Americans, that isn’t even exclusive to black Americans. The very idea of delineation was a controversial one, on this very site. Most detractors on the net(white, black immigrant, LatinX or otherwise) aren’t using Ta-Nihisi Coates leg work and research as a counter to Yvette or breaking brown. They’re just detractors of black American lineage based delineation for any petty reason. These are the beefs I see everyday. :manny:

The discussion is reparations, and you can check my history and see me linking and praising Coates from my very first month on this site back in February 2015. I've stayed consistent on that since long before Yvette was consistent.

And yes, there aren't nearly enough allies supporting reparations on the left. There's a LOT more than on the right (reparations is a 50-50 issue on the left while a 96-4 issue on the right), so why pick hairs with the few who are supporting it? Seems a lot better than co-signing the right-wing racists who will never support it. Build up the coalition first and figure out the terms later, when you actually have power to do something. Hell, it worked for the communists.


God forgives, you are forgiven.
Aug 19, 2014
Bay area
Draw the connection to the present. What argument she had with some rapper, a poorly researched article written by an incompetent, and work she did for PFIR 10 years ago, have to do with what ADOS are doing today? Where is the "anti-immigrant" sentiment in Yvette's videos or articles (2023-present) or on the ADOS advocacy foundation page?

That is why I say your argument is uninteresting and irrelevant. You have to dredge up articles or postings from nearly 10 years ago and dramatize them to fit your narrative of a concern you claim to have in the present.

I would expect that level of laziness and half-cocked posting from a person like @Buddy .

He’s a non ados man married to a non black woman. Once you realize who these people are, you understand their motivations and posts more clearly.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Draw the connection to the present. What argument she had with some rapper, a poorly researched article written by an incompetent, and work she did for PFIR 10 years ago, have to do with what ADOS are doing today? Where is the "anti-immigrant" sentiment in Yvette's videos or articles (2023-present) or on the ADOS advocacy foundation page?

That is why I say your argument is uninteresting and irrelevant. You have to drudge up articles or postings from nearly 10 years ago and dramatize them to fit your narrative of a concern you claim to have in the present.

Stop this "10 years" bullshyt. Yvette was still on the board of PFIR up through 2019 (just five years ago), LONG after she started ADOS. The whole point was that she started ADOS at the exact moment that she was carrying water for a White Nationalist and his fake "black" anti-immigration organization, just like all the other fake organizations I pointed out that carried out White Nationalist aims while accomplishing nothing for Black people and in fact actively working against their interests. Did her behavior and the objectives of ADOS suddenly change after she left PFIR, or is she still doing the same stuff she did while she was working for them?

From 2012 through 2019, Yvette repeatedly co-signed White racists and actively worked to further their aims. In the middle of that period, she founded ADOS, and for a long time simultaneously pushed PFIR's astroturfed racist bullshyt while ALSO attacking and dividing Black people under the cover of ADOS. You want us to suddenly memory-hole that all of that happened?

I mean, right now she's cosigning anti-black lies like this from Trump, with zero pushback or correction:

Yet she posts shyt like this about Kamala:

Hmmmm.....so when Trump says Kamala didn't identify as Black (a total lie) she cosigns it, but when a Kamala supporter says that she is Black, suddenly she's saying, "Stop focusing on the wrong things!"

Here's a youtube video she made about Kamala....notice that some of her supporters in the comments are straight up saying they want Trump and are getting plenty of likes.

So again, tell me, what has changed for her since 2019 when she was still on the board of John Tanton's PFIR? What is she accomplishing right now that John Tanton would be in any way against?
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Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
He’s a non ados man married to a non black woman. Once you realize who these people are, you understand their motivations and posts more clearly.

You have no idea what my lineage is (I've never once said anything about it on this site), you solely made that up to attack me. Which is EXACTLY in line with what I already posted #ADOS supporters doing to Talib. When you can't argue against the facts at all, you resort to personal attacks.

I've been pushing for reparations since the first month I joined this site a decade ago, before #ADOS even existed. I have always said that reparations for slavery should be targeted towards ADOS (though with allowance for the fact that many people might find it difficult to prove ancestry before a certain point). So come on, tell me, what are my "motivations"?

And why is it that when I do a search for "reparations" under your name, I hardly get any results at all and not a single one actually talking about working to get reparations or the slightest strategy for doing it?

You'd rather attack someone fighting for reparations then attack someone co-signing white racists. Why is that?
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Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
BTW, another super disingenuous aspect of all of this....imagine how these people would be talking if Kamala looked like this while partnering with White racists and shytting on Black immigrants. I'd be HAPPY with people who look like this being part of the coalition.....what would you be saying about her if she wasn't on your right-adjacent team?


Compared to "not Black" Kamala:
