I find the show entertaing but the writing while provocative and attention grabbing can sometimes be real cheesy. The way they have the characters constantly reiterating their life philosophy in such a telegraphed and unrealistic way is real annoying. U can find ways to show the audience what drives each particulsr character in a much more subtle way. They gotta do away with all the "I do this because.. or Im like this because..." bs. Also the whole aspect of having a careful guy like Axe keeping his rivals gf in his company and keeping contact with her is stupid. The fact that Giamatti was so passive about her stubborness in working for Axe is handled badly too. Id swear she was interested in fukking dude if I was her husband. I do think the androgynous character is interesting and they can use her characters in a lot of different angles
Good points, esp. those philosophies...monologues are FAR away from the real world, lots of times Billions reminds me of an opera/theatre piece