Meh. LeBron is power/explosiveness, speed, I.Q., skill all in one 6’8 260 lb. package. He’s done it all. By the time his career is over and his early highlights are mastered in HD he’ll have a ridiculous highlight reel hours upon hours. 30 footers, chasedown blocks, sick passes, post fades, acrobatic lay-ups, poster dunks, windmills, gamewinners, spin moves, floaters. He’s done it all and has changed his style/adjusted to several different eras from the dead ball era to modern pace and space. U like what u like though.
LeBron didn’t start FA/player movement. By the 2000’s teams were more aggressive in pursuing trades/players in requesting them and players were leaving to other teams through free agency. There was already a “hot stove” culture around basketball free agency. How the hell did LeBron start superteams when pretty much all the dominant teams in NBA history had multiple All-Stars and Hall of Famers.