I’m glad we’re getting two black winners back to backAfter some time, and out of the remaining players left. I have to say Monte deserve’s the win. I’m kind of conflicted though. I absolutely do not want the f2 to be two bros. I loved Cody’s All stars game, but that bros making it to the end together shyt needs to end there. I also would love to see Taylor win (contrary to how I feel about her game). But her fans (I know i keep mentioning it lol) makes me want to see her not win. So they don’t completely get their way. Which is fukked up, but they are a toxic ass fanbase that I feel like even Taylor herself is going to be like ”thank y’all, but you’re doing too much” after the season when they most likely attack the other hg online after getting bored with celebrating Taylor’s win, or afp win.
Next season I think black players is going to have to watch out though. Especially if Monte wins. I can hear it now “Watch out for him. The tall dark and handsome guy always wins”. I said last season’s thread there was probably going to be some kind of lowkey retaliation this season. Thankfully that didn’t happen. Although Kyle did try to create an all white alliance.
I’m a celebrate this back to back, but I’m also ready for the bullshyt that’ll likely happen in BB25, just watch. It never fails (especially since casting is bad at doing background checks).
I know it’s only the second season of this new era in BB (third if you go by when the new stage was debuted). I think when people look back seasons from now. They’re going to say this was a top 3 season. Essentially it’s what BB20 is too many people (many think it’s a top 3 season from last era BB16-BB22).
So many crazy stuff happened this season it felt longer than than what it was. Which is even crazier because this season was on the shorter side. One word I would use to describe this season, “Unreal”.
Hot take (I guess?) but BB20 wasn't that good. The season started off great, but falls off a cliff after "on my daughter's birthday?!" Kaycee was a really boring player who brought nothing to the show, and Tyler didn't have a large enough personality to carry the second half of the season (for me). I quit watching, I was so bored.