Tyler is acting like a bytch, and has been saying he will leave if he goes to jury, because he doesn’t want to stay there the rest of the time, and be away from Angela.
He didn’t get Kaycee, because she caught the Rona, and had to rethink his entire strategy. And I watched Janelle and Kaysar’s live last night, and Janelle confirmed Kaycee and Josh tested positive for Covid, and Memphis and Keesha were the alternates that got pulled in last minute.
But Kaycee is allegedly back on The Challenge, so it’s good she’s okay and healthy again.
Haven’t been keeping up with anything today, so I don’t know if anything changed since last night.
Hopefully she'll use it. She has no reason not to. Neither she nor David can go up as a replacement.
I'm ready for a White dude to go this week. Ideal scenario would be Day use it on Kevin and Cody is his replacement.
Dani was considering Memphis, and they were saying he’d be good to put up, and go, because everybody hates him.