Ne body watch this yet
Watching that just cements it in my head, bay is jus horrible at this game. She's freaking terrible.
She still tlkin bout Xmas and thinkin dis ish had 2 do wit her having personal conversations wit her and telling her that day is her untouchable. She still tlkin about Xmas broke her trust n yadda yadda. She tlkin bout she sonly made cause it caught her off guard gettin nominated.
What don't u understand, kaysar told u str8 when he walks out u and day Goin up next.
Kaysar told u str8 they gonna mk up ne BS excuse 2 put u up, it has nuthjn 2 do wit da excuse. They on da other side n gonna put u up regardless. The reason doesn't matter.
Bay to this day stoll don't get it. It's a game of fake friends alliances n lying to ppls faces. Dis ain't friendship high. She sd they had a deeper friendship because y'all did laundry together? Cause u did yoga together?
Now I get where Kaycee coming from, we ain't have a relationship u jus in ur head bay.